Meyer Habib’s complaint against Sébastien Delogu

Meyer Habib’s complaint against Sébastien Delogu
Meyer Habib’s complaint against Sébastien Delogu

Meyer Habib announces that he is filing a complaint against the rebel Sébastien Delogu.

© Benoît Durand / Hans Lucas via AFP; Arthur N. Orchard / Hans Lucas via AFP

« Obviously I’m filing a complaint. » On his X account, Meyer Habib reacted, Thursday June 27, to the controversial video published by Sébastien Delogu the day before. In his message, he depicts the outgoing deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône as “ anti-Jewish scoundrel LFI ” and accuses him of having it ” depicted as a demon ” In “ an anti-Semitic video montage around the crematorium ». « After his anti-Semitic accomplice David Guiraud who called me a pig in the Assembly, this anti-Jewish militia has no limits! “, denounced the outgoing LR deputy.

This Wednesday, Sébastien Delogu published a video on his Instagram account where we can see Meyer Habib appear next to a box of frozen pizza on which we can read ” stone oven “. Many Internet users then noted a link between these images and the memory of the Shoah. “ Their business and their electoral fuel: hatred and destruction of Israel, hatred of Jews “, lamented the Franco-Israeli MP on his X account. He announced that he was filing a complaint.

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The “real anti-Semitic Front”

« I continue my campaign with dignity and righteousness. More determined than ever to defend our values “, continued Meyer Habib, calling on voters to block the New Popular Front in the legislative elections, designating it as the “ real Anti-Semitic Front “. For his part, Sébastien Delogu deleted the video in question. An alternative version with a cardboard box with the inscription ” Pizza Kebab » was published.

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Speaking to France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the rebel confided that he did not have ” understood why people are panicking ». « I put videos to feed social networks. People are always making stories “, he regretted. Regarding this pizza box, he assured our colleagues that it was only a reference to the “ Pizzas brought during the negotiations of the left union ».



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