Oriental Regional Council: Who will succeed Bioui? Applications are open

Oriental Regional Council: Who will succeed Bioui? Applications are open
Oriental Regional Council: Who will succeed Bioui? Applications are open

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After Saïd Naciri, it is Abdenbi Bioui’s turn to be replaced as president of the Oriental regional council. Six months after the latter’s arrest in an international drug trafficking case, the wali of the Oriental region opened applications this Thursday, June 27. The final deadline has been set for the Monday July 1stlearns Médias24 from sources in the region.

The region currently managed by Omar Hejira

According to our sources, since the arrest of the former president of the region, it has been managed by the regional council office. However, the signing power was issued to Omar Hejirafirst vice president of the region, by the relevant government authorities in accordance with the laws in force.

“During this period, the council held at least 4 sessions, where several projects and conventions were adopted. The council was also present at other events and meetings, and everything went well,” our sources explain.

“There has therefore never been any blockage since Bioui’s imprisonment, and relations with the authorities have remained good.”

The date of the election of the new president set by the wali

After July 1, the last day for submitting applications for this position, “the wali of the region will announce the date of the organization of the elections.”

According to current laws, “this date should be fixed within 15 days. A council session will thus be organized, in the presence of all the members of the council, where the new regional president of the Oriental will be elected.”

Once elected, “the new president will in turn present the list of his office, which will also be voted on by the members of the council.

And our sources added: “All members of the PAM have the right to present their candidacy. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the national secretariat of the party to make your choiceaccording to several criteria, including his profile and his loyalty to the party.”

“The future president must also be able to manage the region. It is a large region, with very important projects.”

“This seat will remain in the bosom of the PAM”

To date, “there is no candidate anticipated”, according to our sources, “but the members of the council know from the outset that this seat will remain in the PAM fold.”

After the 2021 elections, “the regions of all of Morocco were the subject of an agreement between the three parties of the government majority, namely the PAM, the PI and the RNI”, explain our interlocutors.

“Of the 12 regions of the Kingdom, it was agreed that each party manages 4 regions. That of the Oriental was entrusted to the PAM. If the law gives all members the right to submit their candidacy, we already know that the future president will be from the PAM”to maintain the established balance.

“However, it is not known at this stage whether the opposition will present a candidate. They have the right to do so, but we do not know whether this will be the case. What is certain is that it will be an adventure, because they do not have the majority,” and their candidate will therefore not be elected.

Our sources also assure that “the RNI and the PI are ready to work with any new candidate chosen by the PAM.”

The new president will have three years to complete the execution of the PDR

In terms of projects, “the future president of the Oriental regional council will have to give priority to water projects, the region being heavily affected by the succession of years of drought”, our sources tell us.

“We are currently mid-term. During our first year, we developed our Regional Development Plan (PDR). It is a program of 13 billion DHwith projects that touch on several areas, including the environment, agriculture, water and investment… Currently, we are at 48% of its execution”.

“The planning of all the projects is already done. The future president of the regional council will then have to complete the execution of the remaining projectsThe next three years will therefore be dedicated to implementing the rest of the PDR.”

And our interlocutors emphasize: “The PDR of the Oriental is a program that respects territorial equity. All the provinces of the region will benefit from it, with between 11% and 15% of projects provided for each province, according to their weight.

“In the north of the Oriental, there are in particular the provinces of Nador, Oujda and Berkane, whose populations are high. It is therefore normal that they are concerned by more projects.”

“On the other hand, in the south of the region, the projects will focus more on agriculture, the social and solidarity economy and water in particular. But The council’s priority should be water stress“The region is drastically affected,” they conclude.

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