“Not a joke at all”: Céline Dion challenged by the IHU of Montpellier to finance research into her illness: News

The Quebec singer suffers from stiff person syndrome. In Montpellier, the University Hospital Institute claims to be able to find a treatment for this disease, according to France Bleu Hérault.

Violent attacks of muscle spasms. This is how Celine Dion’s illness began, suffering from stiff person syndrome, a rare neurological condition whose extent the singer reveals in a documentary broadcast on Prime Video. Faced with the artist’s suffering, a hospital in Montpellier officially relaunched an invitation to work with them, after having already tried to contact her last year, in vain, as France Bleu Hérault recalls.

It didn’t work out, it was still very complicated to get her to come to Montpellier“, explains Christian Jorgensen, director of the University Hospital Institute (IHU).I don’t think Celine Dion herself has had a concrete proposal, but maybe with the press it can reach her.

10 million euros for research

The IHU teams are mainly involved in research on lupus, polyarthritis and scleroderma. The director of the establishment nevertheless affirms that they would be entirely capable of working on stiff person syndrome. Unfortunately, funds for research are very low, for a disease with only 50 patients in France.

We could offer him a specific solution“, assure Christian Jorgensen. “I think that for her, 10 million euros is not much, and it is not a joke at all: if someone comes with 10 million euros to develop a biomedicine, in two years it will be ready!“, specifying all the same that 100% success is not guaranteed.

published on June 27 at 12:39 p.m., Laureline Chatriot, 6medias




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