Vote in the French elections from here

Vote in the French elections from here
Vote in the French elections from here

The French people of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville and Saint-Basile-le-Grand are called to the polls at the Center Mont-Royal in Montreal to vote on June 29 and July 6.

Due to the dissolution of the National Assembly and the call for early elections on June 9 by President Emmanuel Macron, the French must return to the polls, just over a month after the European elections.

First and second round

Three options are available to the people of Montarville and Basilicata.

French citizens registered on the consular electoral list before June 16 can vote at the Centre Mont-Royal on June 29 for the first round or July 6 for the second round.

Polling stations will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

To check your electoral registration, the information is available online with FranceConnect or a account


For this election, online voting will also be available.

Finally, Montarvillois or Basilois can also vote by proxy by authorizing a trusted person to go to the polling station (at the Center Mont-Royal) to vote in their name.

The request for power of attorney must be made to the Consulate General of France in Montreal before Friday, June 28 at 12:30 p.m.



PREV Communications, Public Relations and Media Relations Advisor | City of Terrebonne
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