2024 Legislative Elections in Val-d’Oise: Naïma Moutchou Threatened by the Left and the RN

2024 Legislative Elections in Val-d’Oise: Naïma Moutchou Threatened by the Left and the RN
2024 Legislative Elections in Val-d’Oise: Naïma Moutchou Threatened by the Left and the RN


Daniel Chollet

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

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“For months, I have felt anger and worry.”

Candidate for re-election in the fourth constituency of Val-d’Oise (cantons of Ermont, Eaubonne, Franconville, Saint-Leu), Naïma Moutchou, the outgoing MP (Horizons), supported by the coalition of the majority (Ensemble pour la Republic), knows she is playing big.

In this right-wing constituency, the former vice-president of the National Assembly is returning to battle with the support of former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, to whom she is very close. Rachida Dati, the Minister of Justice, also came to support her.

“I am not the president’s wife”

After the debacle of the European elections, the candidate no longer hesitates to let go.

“I am not throwing everything away, but I am not sharing everything that has been done,” says the former lawyer, who criticizes “ways of doing things”.

With this surprising formula:

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“I am not the wife of the President of the Republic. I have the courage to be free.”

Édouard Philippe himself declared that the President of the Republic, by dissolving the Assembly, had “killed the presidential majority”.

On June 9, the fourth constituency did not escape the Bleu Marine wave. The RN came out on top in Eaubonne, Franconville, Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, Montlignon and Saint-Prix.

But the far-right party is ahead of Ermont where Lfi dominates (21.9% against 20%). Reconquest scores above its average in small towns (Saint-Prix, Saint-Leu, Montlignon). Renaissance, the Ps and Lfi are behind, with varying scores. We seem to be heading towards a triangular situation which could be fatal, either for the outgoing MP or for the left-wing candidate.

Sébastien Meurant supported by the RN

“The extremes”, Naïma Moutchou wants to combat them by highlighting the work “carried out for the territory: schools, the Montmorency forest (classification as a protective forest), the fight against air pollution”.

In the event of a second round duel between the New Popular Front and the RN, Naïma Moutchou refuses to take a position at this stage: “We’ll see,” she says.

Sébastien Meurant is supported by the Rn, Les Républicains “on the right” (Éric Ciotti) and Reconquête. ©DR.

One for whom Naïma Moutchou is responsible for the balance sheet of the majority is Sébastien Meurant.

The candidate is making his comeback after his failure in the last senatorial elections. The former mayor of Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, still a departmental councilor, who joined Éric Zemmour and Reconquête in 2022, benefits for these elections from the support of the RN, Debout la France, the “right” Republicans (Éric tendency Ciotti), and Reconquest. He is one of the 63 candidates benefiting from this Lr-Rn alliance.

Excluded from the LR for his support for Éric Zemmour, the elected official explains that he has taken up his card again. Sébastien Meurant says he is a supporter of this “union of the right” advocated by Éric Ciotti, which the Val d’Oise elected official had already tried to establish during a very controversial dinner in 2019 with Marion Maréchal. Which had earned him unanimous criticism in his camp.

“It is time to put an end to this disastrous experiment of Macronism.”

Supporter of “dégagisme”, denouncing “a form of permanent verbal logorrhea” on the part of the President of the Republic, the candidate pits the presidential majority and the New Popular Front against each other.

“The alliance of the rights is the only one that can save us from Mélenchon and the extreme left.”

He will have as his substitute Jean-Pierre Enjalbert, the former mayor (Dlf) of Saint-Prix and former departmental councilor of Val-d’Oise. “We are going to win,” says Sébastien Meurant.

Inthone Rodsphon will wear the colors of the Republicans. ©dr

The Republicans (historical canal) will be represented by Inthone Rodsphon, an opposition elected official in the town of Eaubonne.

Karine Lacouture, candidate (Lfi) of the New Popular Front. ©DR.

Karine Lacouture hopes to stand out from the crowd. The opposition (Lfi) elected representative in Ermont, a French teacher at the Wanda-Landowska college in Saint-Leu, was invested by the New Popular Front.

A candidate in 2022, she narrowly failed (53.43%-46.57%) against Naïma Moutchou.

Karine Lacouture: “I put all my strength into the battle”

“In the fourth district, we have never been so close to winning. The context is much more favorable than in 2022, and our militant force is stronger, even if the situation is destabilized by a very high Rn. I am putting all my strength into the battle, not only against the Rn but for the program of the New Popular Front, coherent and quantified, contrary to what is said a lot on the sets. Seven years of macronie have devastated people,” confides the candidate.

First verdict in four days.

The candidates

Naïma Moutchou (Horizons, outgoing MP); Sébastien Meurant (LR-Ciotti, RN, Reconquest); Karine Lacouture (New Popular Front, Lfi); Marie-Françoise L’Hommedet (Workers’ Struggle); Grégory Berthault (Ecologist); Inthone Rodsphon (The Republicans), Antonin Martin (far left); Robin Durand (Miscellaneous).


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