City Council Considers Closing a Portion of Rue Bourbon

City Council Considers Closing a Portion of Rue Bourbon
City Council Considers Closing a Portion of Rue Bourbon

Since the closure of rue Bourbon on April 12 due to a danger order at number 110, the shops at the end of the shopping street in downtown Châtellerault have noticed a significant drop in their sales.

At the request of the merchants’ association and until the problem is resolved, the City authorizes them to “put out a billboard and/or merchandise free of charge, every Saturday”The measure was voted on by the municipal council on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

A scent of election campaign

Isabelle Miguet, elected representative of the National Rally (RN), took the opportunity to read a press release co-signed by the RN candidate for the legislative elections in the 4e constituency, Hager Jacquemin: “Despite repeated requests from traders, the town hall of Châtellerault has not provided any clear information on the expected duration or on the measures envisaged to mitigate the economic impacts on the businesses concerned.”

A position that Renaissance elected official David Simon puts into perspective, because it is supported by a candidate “parachuted from Bordeaux”. “The subject is being followed by the community”says the Macronist municipal councilor.

The first deputy Maryse Lavrard invites the two municipal elected officials of the RN to “participate in commissions” to keep up to date with files.

Pedestrian tunnel refused

She assures that the two city hall executives responsible for trade “go every week to meet with the traders concerned”. Whose situation is “uncomfortable, she admits. In the meantime, they were offered to move to the other part of the street. They didn’t want to for various reasons that I respect. »

Maryse Lavrard adds that proceedings have been initiated against the owner of the building whose gable wall is in danger of collapsing. While waiting to see more clearly, Immobilière Atlantic Aménagement has put its project to demolish the wasteland known as Îlot Z on hold.

The City, which wanted to avoid closing the section of rue Bourbon, did ask the lessor to build a pedestrian tunnel. But this one “was refused” due to the risk of collapse. “We’re all going through the situation, it’s incredibly complex! “, the first assistant whispers.



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