Perpignan: biodiversity invites itself to the airport with “the ramparts of life”

Perpignan: biodiversity invites itself to the airport with “the ramparts of life”
Perpignan: biodiversity invites itself to the airport with “the ramparts of life”

This Thursday, June 27, 2024 marks the inauguration of the “ramparts of biodiversity” project. The wooden structure was designed by high school students from the establishments of François Arago, Jean Lurçat and Alfred Sauvy, to protect the biodiversity found in the surroundings of the airport.

The cry of the cicadas in the background, Lyla and Noé, two high school students from Jean-Lurçat, admire their finally completed project. In 2022, Perpignan airport launched a competition around the protection of biodiversity, with three classes of high school students.

The objective of this challenge was the creation of a wooden structure, visible and symbolizing a commitment to the preservation of biodiversity. Several projects, carried out by different groups of students, were in competition. The high school students from Alfred-Sauvy were responsible for designing the wooden structure, those from Arago brought their scientific knowledge and knowledge of biodiversity and the students from Lurçat took care of the design. They were able to work together and pool their knowledge to carry out their project. Ultimately, the groups unveiled their design during a presentation, in February 2023, at the Palace of the Kings of Majorca. This is the “Biodiversity Rampart” project which was selected and built during the year 2023-2024 at Perpignan airport. Unveiled this June 27, 2024.

It was difficult to visualize the project at the beginning

A large and curious round wooden structure now sits in the parking lot of Perpignan airport. “We thought about how to put this in place, we took care of the design, the sketches… Well, there were failures “, explains Lyla in final STD2A at the Jean-Lurçat high school. “It was difficult to visualize the project at first, especially in an airport, but we are proud of the result.t”, Noé bounces back.

After construction and under the guidance of science students, plants were planted in the center of the structure. QR codes are placed all along the ramparts to understand which species visit the area. Among them, foxes, hares, bats, birds of prey and insects… must be preserved.



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