120 employees in front of Dynacité headquarters to demand better working conditions • La Voix de l’Ain

120 employees in front of Dynacité headquarters to demand better working conditions • La Voix de l’Ain
120 employees in front of Dynacité headquarters to demand better working conditions • La Voix de l’Ain

Around 120 employees of the social landlord Dynacité demonstrated in front of the company’s headquarters in Bourg-en-Bresse. Their demands: better working conditions and a salary increase.

“The management must jump”, says a CGT elected official. This Thursday, June 27, from 8:30 a.m., around 120 employees from all positions in the company, out of the 540 in total, stood in front of the headquarters of the social landlord Dynacité, in Bourg-en-Bresse. On strike throughout the day, their goal was to show their dissatisfaction with their working conditions and an insufficient increase in their salary.

“If there are no changes, I will leave”

“We can’t take it anymore, for 2-3 years the working conditions have only deteriorated. Even more so for 6 months, the managers are putting pressure on us, which leads to a lot of departures. Between July 2022 and January 2023, there were 54 departures. But, they are not necessarily replaced, which means that we all have many more missions to carry out, without seeing our salaries increase”complains a striker.

According to a member of the CGT, this pressure on employees from management is also observed during this strike: “Some employees received threats, saying that if they went on strike, they would not get a raise.” In front of Dynacité headquarters, many of them complain about this pressure at work. “If there are no changes, I will leave”testifies an employee.

A strike for wage demands

“We cannot communicate with management, they make no effort”, declares a CGT union delegate, in front of the company’s employees. A few days ago, the CGT and CFE-CGC union sections decided to break off the obligatory 2024 annual negotiation with management, “because they were not heard on their proposals.”

In the morning, the social landlord’s employees voted to accept or not Dynacité’s proposal to increase the gross salary of several categories of the company by 1%. The no vote won with the vast majority. “Anyway, 1% makes almost no difference. says a striker. We will not agree to sign these indecent proposals.”

Friday June 28, the CGT and CFE-CGC union sections will not sign what is proposed by Dynacité. We will then have to wait for the obligatory annual negotiation in 2025 to have a salary increase, which will not demotivate the strikers. “We’re going to build to a crescendo. We’re not going to give up until we get what we want.”explains a member of the CGT.



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