Jacques Attali, Etienne Klein, Claude Onesta, Flavie Flament: the prestigious guests of the Michel Serres Philosophical Meetings

Jacques Attali, Etienne Klein, Claude Onesta, Flavie Flament: the prestigious guests of the Michel Serres Philosophical Meetings
Jacques Attali, Etienne Klein, Claude Onesta, Flavie Flament: the prestigious guests of the Michel Serres Philosophical Meetings

Étienne Klein, Jacques Attali, Frédéric Worms but also Flavie Flament and Claude Onesta, the 4th edition of the Michel Serres Philosophical Meetings promises to be exceptional.

“Tomorrow, our Earth” in 2022, year of megafires in Gironde,
“In the age of artificial intelligence, what has become of Little Thumbelina? » in 2023, a period when ChatGPT has immersed itself in the collective consciousness… With “Now we make peace” as its theme, the 4th edition of the Michel Serres Philosophical Meetings once again sticks to the burning news.

“The return of war to the gates of Europe, the conflict in the Middle East and the unprecedented situation in France”, contextualizes David Djaïz. “We therefore want to give a voice to the promoters of reconciliation,” continues the president of the association organizing the event which will take place from November 8 to 11, 2024 in Agen.

“Power and limits of the scapegoat scenario”

It reveals many headliners and the subjects they will address: Jacques Attali (“Michel Serres, education and peace), Etienne Klein (War and peace in the stars), the Kant specialist Michaël Foessel (“ Peace: moral ideal, political fabric”), the director of the École normale supérieure on rue d’Ulm Frédéric Worms (“The World War of Michel Serres, a philosophical reading”, etc.

Also note the presence for the 4th time of Laurence Devillairs. An expert on Descartes and Pascal, she will deliver a “philosophical improv”. Jean Dionis will undoubtedly be one of the first to follow the intervention of the French essayist Benoît Chantre. “René Girard and Michel Serres: power and limits of the scapegoat scenario” is a subject that fascinates him. The mayor of Agen will also be one of the guests of the festival. He will discuss “Civil peace, how does it work in practice? “.

The opening speech competition

The two festival sponsors will be Manon Garcia and Pierre Haski. Philosopher, activist committed to women’s rights, the first will give food for thought on consent, “the new golden rule of intimate life”. Journalist on France Inter, the second will look at a sensitive issue: “Israel-Palestine, a metaphysical war”. Flavie Flament will be there to discuss “public speaking out against private violence”.
Finally, personalities like Mathieu Raynal (international rugby referee), Claude Onesta (former coach of the French handball team) will be there. The detailed program and two or three other names will be presented in September. New, the Philosophical Meetings will begin with the eloquence competition initiated by the association of Lot-et-Garonne with the grandes écoles. 10,000 festival-goers are expected.



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