Dieguy Diop Fall resigns from the Directorate of Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy

Dieguy Diop Fall resigns from the Directorate of Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy
Dieguy Diop Fall resigns from the Directorate of Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy

ieguy Diop Fall, former director of the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy, announced her resignation. In a grateful press release, she expressed her gratitude to Macky Sall for the trust placed. She led the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children from 2021 to 2023, before taking the helm of the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy from 2023 to 2024.

“I thank Her Excellency Macky SALL for the trust and especially the renewal of my appointment as Director. I express all my gratitude to him for the trust he wanted to place in me for three years as head of the Directorate for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children as well as the Directorate for the Promotion of the Social Economy and Solidarity,” she said.

She also thanked the members of the Alliance for the Republic (APR) for their common political commitment in favor of a better Senegal. Dieguy Diop Fall reaffirmed his attachment to the democratic values ​​which underpin the Republic and inspire its political actions.

“To the Senegalese people here and in the diaspora, I reaffirm my attachment to the democratic values ​​which underpin our Republic and inspire the merits of my political actions,” she added.

His political commitment remains unwavering, marking his continued support for President Macky SALL and the APR, as well as the Benno Bokk Yakkar coalition.

“My political commitment to a Senegal of Peace and respect for our institutions is unwavering. I confirm, reaffirm and re-specify my unfailing commitment to the President of the Alliance for the Republic and President of Benno Bokk Yakkar, Mr. Macky SALL. Long live Senegal. »

Press Africa



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