Violent attack on a bus driver in Saint-Herblain

Violent attack on a bus driver in Saint-Herblain
Violent attack on a bus driver in Saint-Herblain

A bus driver from Semitan, a public transport company in Nantes, was the victim of a violent attack this Wednesday evening in Saint-Herblain. The man, aged 40, was seriously injured in the face and suffered several broken ribs. According to initial information, the attack took place around 5:30 p.m. on line C3, in an area linking the Doulon district to the Zénith.

The exact circumstances of the attack remain to be clarified. It appears that a passenger unhappy with the bus not stopping at his stop kicked in the door. The driver, then leaving again, was allegedly attacked at a later stop by this same individual, or by several people.

The driver was taken care of by the firefighters and transported to the Nantes University Hospital. The driver suffered serious facial injuries and several broken ribs.

A call for the mobilization and safety of drivers

This act of violence sparked strong indignation within Semitan and the company’s unions. Force Ouvrière notably called for the public transport network to be stopped this Thursday evening, a request which was refused by management. A meeting is planned for this Thursday between the unions and management to discuss the follow-up to this attack and the measures to take to ensure the safety of drivers.

Photo credit: DR
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