Pierre Derval takes over the family bakery and pastry shop, established for 63 years in Laval

Pierre Derval takes over the family bakery and pastry shop, established for 63 years in Laval
Pierre Derval takes over the family bakery and pastry shop, established for 63 years in Laval

The walls of the Derval bakery and pastry shop located at 24, avenue Chanzy, in Laval (Mayenne), are full of memories. For three generations, the Derval family has been in the business of gourmet food. Our house celebrated its 60th anniversary in November 2021. It was my father Moise and my mother Nicole who created it. Then, I started again with my partner, Isabelle, in 1992. Now it’s Pierre and his partner, Clémence, who joined us in 2018. It’s up to them to write a new story since we are retiring. announces Moïse Derval. Three generations of taste enthusiasts, who, over the years, have added their personal and complementary touch. For the grandfather, Moses, it will be bread, for Moses, the father, it will be chocolate and Pierre, the pastry.

Read also: In Laval, the Derval bakery and pastry shop is taking part in “The Best Bakery in France”

Born “in the bakery mess”

However, if this passion for good taste and know-how is transmitted from father to son, nothing predisposed Moïse and Pierre to respectively pursue their careers in Mayenne. The first which saw the light of day in 1962 in “ the bakery knead”, will leave to train his skills in Paris. “In the capital, we, the Mayenne, had a good reputation for work. But we came back to settle here with Isabelle in 1990,” traces Moses.

The Derval pastry shop quickly became an institution. Laval residents rush for chocolate and pastries like Le Saint-Marc. “ It’s a vanilla chocolate cake on a caramelized biscuit. explains Isabelle, who has run the avenue Chanzy store for 35 years.

Pierre was born in 1993 and “ without any pressure “, but sounding obvious, will continue his studies in pastry making and will do his ranges in Angers, Paris and London before returning to his native land in 2018. ” We are still happy in Mayenne”say the father and son in one voice.

Some recipes preserved with a “personal touch”

« When Pierre joins us, he pushes me,” Moses explains with a burst of laughter. “By reducing the range of cakes by 50% and breads. And it was a good idea.” , he continues. The transmission takes place respectfully.

At 31 years old, Pierre now has carte blanche. I kept some of Dad’s recipes while adding my personal touch. » He gets into the game, disrupts traditions, drives his style, constantly reinvents himself. But without affixing a signature. “ Because having a signature means being stuck in time “, he assumes.

Nomadic pastries such as cakes, cookies and biscuits are invited into the windows. 63 years later, Pierre Derval and his wife Clémence are embarking on writing a new story.

Derval Bakery, 17, rue Charles-Landelle in Laval. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.



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