“I was desperate”: in Essonne, the unbalanced man touched women’s breasts on the RER B

“I was desperate”: in Essonne, the unbalanced man touched women’s breasts on the RER B
“I was desperate”: in Essonne, the unbalanced man touched women’s breasts on the RER B


Editorial Essonne

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 10:27 a.m.

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The judges sent him back to prison and decided not to commit him to a psychiatric hospital. Tuesday June 18, 2024, a 20 year old man to the fragile psychological health, but to heavy criminal recordhas been sentenced by the Évry-Courcouronnes criminal court for having sexually assaultedlast April, three women on the station’s platform from the RER B to Massy (Essonne).

He demanded a “hug” from his victims

Collapsed after this last conviction, the young man continued his slow descent into hell.

His life since his childhood has been chaos. An incarcerated father, an absent mother and her schizophrenia which has been eating away at him for several years.

He cut himself off from his brothers and sisters after his repeated incarcerations. Tom G. is overwhelmed by his suffering as when he was arrested by the police on avenue Carnot near the Massy Palaiseau station.

He had just touched the breasts of three young women on the platform of the RER B station while asking for a “hug”.

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Released, he was arrested a few hours later after a theft

“I was desperate. I’m on the street”he muttered in a slurred voice by way of explanation, before curling up in his chair and disappearing into his box in full view of the judges.

Released the next day after his police custody, Tom G. is arrested the same evening at the Brétigny-sur-Orge station by another police patrol. He is still very disturbed.

On him, the officials found a credit card and identity papers of a resident of Saulx-les-Chartreux whom he robbed while the father was playing with his child.

The young defendant suffers from schizophrenia

In front of the judges, Tom G. is in tears. He does not want to return to prison, to his medical cell where he tried three times to end his life these last weeks.

“At least I won’t have any more problems,” he said before bursting into anger again. sobs.

Tom G. was diagnosed as schizophrenic. He receives compensation from the MDPH as a disabled adult.

The court sentences him to 15 months in prison

His profile did not move the prosecutor who relied on the nine mentions that already contained his criminal record. “His risk of recurrence is proven”she pointed out during her requisitions.

Tom G.’s lawyer stressed in his plea that the court found itself with his client’s personality at the border of health, social, and criminal sanction by demanding his compulsory internment.

“My client is in care,” he insisted. It was not followed by the court which sentenced the young man to 15 months in prison.

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