New. In Le Havre, she creates unique hats: “I love learning and tinkering”

New. In Le Havre, she creates unique hats: “I love learning and tinkering”
New. In Le Havre, she creates unique hats: “I love learning and tinkering”


Jessie Leclerc

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 7:52 a.m.

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Hats, caps, accessories… Julie Mahu touches everything. She started customizing clothes in high school. Now she mainly makes hats “from start to finish” in his workshop, in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime).

A passion for fashion

Graduated with a professional baccalaureate in fashion professions in Guadeloupe, Julie has always “loved fashion and clothes”. For her, it is more than just a hobby, it has become “a passion”. It is the confinement which relaunched him in sewing.

“I started by sewing masks, then I quickly got bored with it. I then created bags, accessories for babies, decoration and I resumed customizing clothes,” she explains.

The hat: a revelation

From two years ago the thirty-year-old started making hats. “I was moving and I saw this hat that I had as a decoration, hanging on a door. I told myself I could do something with it. I customized it with macramé, people loved it.” This is what gave the impetus to his new activity.

First only in customization, Julie wanted to go further. “I wanted to do everything, from start to finish. I wanted to train myself.” So she left in Paris to learn how to model headgear.

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A double activity: “I can’t stop”

Julie “don’t stop.” She continues her temporary position in aeronautics, her creative work and the communication necessary for this purpose, and sales on the markets: “When I’m not molding hats, I’m molding airplane parts” she smiled.

Limitless inspiration

Ideas are not what the Le Havre designer lacks. “My main inspiration is my wardrobe”. It is in a room in his apartment designed for this purpose that his ideas come to life. “ My workshop is a continuous source of inspiration with everything that is there, especially the pieces of fabric. »

I have always been creative, I love it. Besides, there is a quote from Albert Einstein that I really like: “creativity is intelligence having fun”. That’s really what I think.

Julie Wants
Le Havre hat designer and manager of her company Mahiera’a

Second-hand enthusiast, she uses what she finds to “create original pieces”. “I dissect jewelry to use again,” she confides. And it’s not just hats that pass through his meticulous hands. The designer also makes headbands, caps and bonnets. “There will even be other new features this winter,” she says.

Julie Mahu, known as Mahiera’a, customizes accessories and clothing. She also creates original hats from A to Z, in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) (©Instagram @mahieraacrea)

Any upcoming projects?

Julie, continues to renew herself and expands her activity to customization of jackets. “It’s easier to wear. There will be two styles, one with macramé and the other more girly with flower patches or birds, rhinestones or chains.

When asked about the possible opening of a physical store, Julie is not yet sure of anything. “Rents are expensive and at the moment, the markets suit me. It’s more interesting, there are other sellers with us and it’s not the same contact.”

You can find Julie in Le Havre Thursday June 27 at the Notre-Dame night marketat the end of rue de Paris, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., but also every weekend at the Deauville market. His work is also available on Facebook and Instagram.

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