Up to 50 mm and violent storms: areas with plenty of rain this weekend

Up to 50 mm and violent storms: areas with plenty of rain this weekend
Up to 50 mm and violent storms: areas with plenty of rain this weekend
Published on June 29, 2024 at 12:03 p.m.

Update June 29, 2024 at 5:45 p.m.

A heavy shower is expected in several areas of the province. Some areas could receive up to 50mm of rain. How wet will your area be? All the details.

At the time of writing these lines, a warning of violent thunderstorms is at the gates of Quebec. These storms should be monitored because they could spill over into Abitibi in the hours that follow.

A system that will wet everything in its path

Heavy rain is expected on this first day of the Canada Day long weekend. The system will gradually make its entrance into Quebec, first visiting the western parts of the province. In the morning, areas of slightly heavier rain will appear, particularly in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. As the day progresses, the rain will gain ground. During the afternoon, areas north of the river could be surprised by fairly heavy rain.

Generally, precipitation of 20 to 40 mm is expected for a good part of Quebec, possibly a little more locally (up to 50 mm) under a few storms. This precipitation will continue until Sunday evening.

A small series of storms on the horizon

The risk of thunderstorms remains fairly low throughout the day, with some nested thunderstorms appearing in places. However, the potential for slightly more violent cells could spoil things late Saturday afternoon for areas located near the Ontario border. The main culprit for this disturbance? A cold front. Thus, a small series of thunderstorms could form behind this cold front.

Thunder could be part of it

Those who tend to wake up as soon as their ears hear the slightest noise could see their sleep disrupted during the night from Saturday to Sunday. Indeed, thunder could rumble in certain areas, particularly south of the river, notably in Montérégie, Estrie, Centre-du-Québec and the greater Montreal region.

A Sunday under high surveillance

Even though the rain will fall in much larger quantities this Saturday, this “weather party” will continue on Sunday. This time, potentially violent thunderstorms will be something to watch out for. Indeed, the ingredients will be more present to create thunderstorms that could shake up certain areas. Humidity and a few sunny breaks here and there will allow the atmosphere to warm up, which promotes instability. Add to this recipe the passage of the cold front over the south of the province, which will, for its part, promote an uplift. With these thunderstorms, the southern areas could see their precipitation totals increase.



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