in Nantes, this discreet candidate who does not campaign

in Nantes, this discreet candidate who does not campaign
in Nantes, this discreet candidate who does not campaign

Aged 19, Mattis Gauvin is registered on the lists but has not appeared publicly since the closing of applications.

Le Figaro Nantes

Unknown to the battalion. In the fourth constituency of Loire-Atlantique, seven candidates are vying to become the new deputy for this territory covering the south of Nantes, Rezé and other neighboring municipalities. However, as the first round of these anticipated legislative elections approaches, one seems to be missing, as noted by the regional weekly The Courier of the Pays de Retz . Mattis Gauvin, 19, is listed on the far left in the official publication of the prefecture’s applications. He is even the first on the list. However, no trace of campaign is visible on the networks or the walls of his constituency.

“We have no information”entrusted to Figaro a member of the campaign team of Julie Laernoes, the outgoing green MP, nominated by the New Popular Front. “We didn’t see any posters,” she adds, used to collages. Same story with François Olléon, who defends the ecological and social Équinoxe party: “I do not know him”. At Les Républicains, the substitute for candidate Astrid Lusson does not know more: “Sorry we can’t help you, but we don’t have any more information”.

Are you an NPA candidate?

Ultimately, it was the representative of Lutte Ouvrière, Stéphane Pellegrini, who was the most affable. “Yes, I heard about it. He is an activist of the NPA Revolutionaries., confides this teller to La Poste. He explains that since the split of the New Anti-Capitalist Party at the end of 2022, two branches have emerged. The NPA-Anticapitalist of Philippe Poutou, which calls for joining the coalition of the New Popular Front, and the NPA-Revolutionaries which, conversely, refuses it.

In a national press release published on June 18, the NPA-Revolutionaires claims 79 candidates. Before qualifying in the following sentence: “The deadlines imposed by Macron in this totally undemocratic campaign only allowed us to print and send the ballot papers and professions of faith in 29 constituencies”. Where does Mattis Gauvin’s silence come from? When contacted, the NPA did not respond to our requests. Still, an instruction would have been given in the deprived constituencies: the NPA-Revolutionaries calls for it “to vote for the candidates of Lutte Ouvrière, because they are also workers who carry revolutionary perspectives”. Stéphane Pellegrini was not aware of this. He discovered it this Wednesday in an article from West France in which it is stipulated that “due to a lack of printed ballots on time, the last candidate, Mattis Gauvin (New Anticapitalist Party), a 19-year-old student, calls to vote for Lutte Ouvrière.”



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