Connection of the Mathis road to the A8 motorway in Nice: we know more about the end of the works

Connection of the Mathis road to the A8 motorway in Nice: we know more about the end of the works
Connection of the Mathis road to the A8 motorway in Nice: we know more about the end of the works

“JI’m delighted to be able to visit the tunnel and I must say that I can’t wait for it to be put into service.”, confides France Orsatti, president of the Arenas Ferber neighborhood committee in Nice. She, as well as other local residents, were invited on Wednesday June 26 in the evening to discover the construction site of the work which will connect the Mathis Lane exit to the entrance to the highway.

If this Nice girl is cheerful, it is because she believes that “This will considerably improve traffic conditions. We live in a neighborhood where there are a lot of nuisances, so anything that helps combat it is positive! Especially noise.”

20,000 fewer vehicles

Concretely “the tunnel will allow the 20,000 vehicles per day to be removed from Avenue Grinda, underlines Mayor Christian Estrosi. However, it is estimated that when all these cars use this new route, there will be three times less noise pollution because there will be less braking and restarting.”

Photo Axelle Truquet.

The work must be completed “by the end of February beginning of March 2025 with total delivery in April-May 2025”, specifies the city councilor. Currently, the walls and roof are completed. “We are currently in the earthworks phase, at the very place where the vehicles will drive, on two traffic lanes, indicates Emmanuel Petiot, Deputy Director General of Major Projects and Infrastructure at the Métropole. There remains the technical part with the implementation of equipment (lighting, fire safety, air extractors, etc.)

Surface vegetation

There will remain one last step, which will take place after delivery of the tunnel: revegetation. “We are going to plant trees and thus pursue our objective of reducing greenhouse gasesChristian Estrosi hammers. And if this operation will be carried out after the work has been put into circulation, it is precisely to benefit from the fact that these vehicles will no longer be on the surface, which will facilitate the work of the Green Spaces.”



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