Charlemagne Island: swimming at the leisure center closed until further notice

Charlemagne Island: swimming at the leisure center closed until further notice
Charlemagne Island: swimming at the leisure center closed until further notice


Yohann Desplat

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 6:32 a.m.

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If the summer temperatures have made you want to take a dip near Charlemagne Island, in Saint-Jean-le-Blanc (Loiret), you will have to wait a little longer.

Wednesday June 26, 2024, regulatory controlcarried out by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Centre-Val de Loire on the body of water of Île Charlemagne in Parc de Loire, revealed the excessive presence of cyanobacteria at the main beach.

New analyses this Friday

Swimming is therefore prohibited there. from this Thursday June 27, after the recommendations of the services of the Loiret Prefecture and the ARS Centre-Val de Loire. However, the practice of water activities is maintained (except paddle and wingfoil).

Of course, users are invited not to ingest water and to take a careful shower after the water activity. Fishing is also possible, but the consumption of fishery products is suspended.

“New analyzes will take place this Friday, and throughout the summer season, the ban will be lifted as soon as normal is returned,” indicates the Métropole d’Orléans.

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