The magic of the circus for everyone

The magic of the circus for everyone
The magic of the circus for everyone

The Passing circus school has just presented its end-of-year show for the BarakaCirq festival in Tarbes. From 5:30 p.m., families and friends crowd together on the benches. Some stand for lack of space. Everyone is impatient to watch their children’s performances, which will continue until Friday evening. The show begins and the magic of the circus begins. An apprentice juggler lets a ball escape, a future trapeze artist hesitates for a moment before regaining her balance. The missteps of the young acrobats are followed by benevolent encouragement.

At the end of the show, Yves, a member of the circus group adapted for people with disabilities, wears a radiant smile: “I climbed the ladders, I wasn’t afraid!” Yves discovered his passion for the circus 15 years ago thanks to an animator, and since then, he has never stopped wanting to participate. His group comes from the Lannemezan nursing home who goes to the Passing school once every two weeks with their psychomotor therapist and their educator. The Passing school offers around ten circus classes adapted for specialized groups.

Friday June 28 at 9 p.m., the school show will be followed by the performance of the professional troupe Tarabiscoté, promising a breathtaking show. Activities are planned for Saturday from 11 a.m. in the Mouysset district. On the program, Tarabiscoté performances and workshops open to all.

Reservation recommended at
Price on site: €15 adults, €10 children (-16 years old)


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