“I didn’t have time to react”, lightning robbery in a Saint-Nazaire supermarket

“I didn’t have time to react”, lightning robbery in a Saint-Nazaire supermarket
“I didn’t have time to react”, lightning robbery in a Saint-Nazaire supermarket


Benjamin Epineau

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 5:47 p.m.

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Tuesday June 25, 2024, 8:50 p.m. In 10 minutes, the Carrefour Express on Boulevard Laënnec, in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), is going to close… When two hooded individuals enter the store.

Gun in hand

At the time of the facts, two employees are present as well asa customer.

“My colleague was counting a cash register and I was taking the buyer’s payment,” the saleswoman recalls, when two people, dressed all in black, arrived in the supermarket, gun in handand ask for the contents of the boxes.

All you could see was their eyes. They were aggressive and nervous.

Carrefour Express employee

“I would say the scene lasted 3 minutes.”

While one thug takes one of the employees to empty the safe, the other holds out a bag to collect the day’s takings.

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It happened too quickly, I didn’t have time to react. I emptied the two crates into a bag and they took off running. I will say that the scene lasted three minutes.

During the robbery, a customer came in. “He went to get some beers as if nothing had happened,” the young woman confided.

A traumatized client

“The customer at the checkout is traumatized,” says the employee, who feels good even though “I still have the images in my head.”

According to our information, the loot would amount to 1 500 €The scene was captured on CCTV cameras. An investigation is underway.

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