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Toulouse. Four days before the elections, the Legislatures put the Capitol in turmoil

Toulouse. Four days before the elections, the Legislatures put the Capitol in turmoil
Toulouse. Four days before the elections, the Legislatures put the Capitol in turmoil


Maréva Laville

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 5:14 p.m.

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The wind of the Legislative blew (hard) on the Capitol, Toulouse, this Wednesday June 26, 2024, in full municipal council. Four days before the first round of elections, the mayor Jean-Luc Moudencits majority Love Toulouse, and the leaders of the main opposition groups, led by the rebellious Agathe Roby for AMC, and Antoine Maurice for the Environmentalists, have wrangled around the national political context. The essential.

“I always said that extremes were harmful,” says Moudenc

Just before the municipal council, in front of the press, the tenant of the Capitol invited Toulouse residents “to reflect and to look elsewhere than at the extremes.” And if Jean-Luc Moudenc did not formally give voting instructions, he nevertheless set a course.

I have always said that extremes are very harmful. They embrace anger and anxieties with simplistic measures. But as soon as they are in power, it doesn’t hold up and they disappoint.

Jean-Luc Moudenc
Mayor (without label) of Toulouse

A platform against the extremes

The councilor continued by calling on voters to head towards « le bloc centralwhether it is the center right, the center left, the moderate left… I am extremely worried to see the possible prospect of an extreme right ideology coming to power.”

A speech coupled with‘a Tribune signed by the majority group, which calls for avoiding the path of extremes. “But I am neither a deputy, nor a candidate in the legislative elections, nor even a member of a party since I have been without a label since 2022. My role as mayor is not to express myself on national politics,” he said. -he however recalled to the municipal council.

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“You are not up to the political situation,” assures Antoine Maurice

However, it is precisely the lack of political discourse that caused the start of Toulouse as an ecologist, united and civic-minded. “The political context requires us to take a position. You hide, you refuse to face the result of the European elections. You are giving a depoliticized speech while claiming to be unifying,” exclaimed Antoine Maurice.

In the opening remarks, the leader of the environmentalists complained about a mayor who considers far-left candidates as a danger within the New Popular Front.

The National Rally is indeed far-right, but none of the Popular Front parties are far-left. You are not up to the political situation and I invite you to return to the right republican path.

Antoine Maurice
Municipal councilor, president of the Toulouse environmentalist, solidarity and citizen group

“The worst or the best can happen,” announces Agathe Roby

An attack resumed by Agathe Roby, co-president of the AMC group, and herself a candidate (LFI) in the 3rd constituency of Haute-Garonne: “You are seeking to discredit the Popular Front. No, the Popular Front and the far right are not white hats and white hats.”

Regretting the silence of Jean-Luc Moudenc “on the danger of the extreme right”, the elected candidate wanted to address “those angry, and rightly so, about Macronism in place, tempted by an extreme vote right”, but also “to those who favor abstention to their advantage”.

We are living in a tipping point where both the worst and the best can happen. The left came together to avoid the worst and the anti-social program of the National Rally.

Agathe Roby
Opposition municipal councilor (LFI), co-president of the AMC group

A united left unconvincing for the majority

A left-wing union that the municipal majority of Moudenc has difficulty conceiving of.

The motley alliance will not hold. I already note serious differences with, on the one hand, the Socialist Party, and on the other the Ecologists and France Insoumise on major subjects of the future of our territory such as the C metro line and the Occitanie Tower.

Pierre Espuglas Labatut
Deputy mayor and spokesperson for the majority group Aimer Toulouse.

Like Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc, whose latest publication on Pierre Espuglas Labatutdeputy mayor and spokesperson for the majority group Aimer Toulouse, believes that “more than ever today, a large gathering is viable for the future of our city and our country. Yes, we call for the emergence of a republican bloc.

Democratic remobilization as good news

In this context of ambient slump around the dissolution of the National Assembly and these anticipated legislative elections, there remains however one thing which delights the mayor of Toulouse “it is the democratic remobilization”.

The Ifop institute estimates that 64% of registered French people will vote in the first round, compared to 51.49% for Europeans. Despite a “disoriented” electorate, Jean-Luc Moudenc concludes: “this is a considerable leap forward! »

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