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Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Betty Collober is NPA-Revolutionaries candidate

Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Betty Collober is NPA-Revolutionaries candidate
Legislative elections in Nantes-Orvault-Sautron. Betty Collober is NPA-Revolutionaries candidate

Betty Collober, 31, is an NPA-Revolutionaries candidate for the first time in 1re constituency of Loire-Atlantique (Nantes-Orvault-Sautron).

His political journey

Betty Collober, 31, grew up in public housing in the northern districts of Nantes, in Chêne-des-Anglais. It was during her school career that she said she felt the social divide very strongly. “At home, some of my friends had no place to work. At college, we were in prefabs. » Lack of resources from the National Education system, not the same opportunities as other selective establishments… “We are not pushed the same. »

After a literary prep class and a master’s degree in cultural mediation, she failed the librarian competition. She then joined the Family Allowance Fund (Caf) of Nantes, as well as the CGT and regularly organized strike movements, to improve living conditions.

Daughter of separated parents, an Atsem mother and a France Telecoms agent father, discussions often revolve around union struggles. She joined the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) in 2019. Which split into two in 2022. She ran in the 2020 municipal elections and in the European elections. The Party claims around twenty activists active in Nantes.

All the latest legislative news

Its “purchasing power” measure

Increases in income: minimum wage, retirement pensions, unemployment. With what money? “There is some tax evasion, obviously. And in the coffers of employers: the profits of the Cac 40 have exploded. Are they investing money? We invest our lives. This money must come back to us. »

The measure that is close to his heart

The question of education, as since the beginning of his commitment. Provide decent budgets, increase the number of positions, put fewer students per class. “To give everyone a chance to flourish and the intellectual baggage to have a critical mind. »



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