a conference in Bastia to “open justice to society”

a conference in Bastia to “open justice to society”
a conference in Bastia to “open justice to society”
– What are the objectives of this conference on island traditions and the laws of the Republic in Corsica? Who is he talking to ?
– When I took office as the first President of the Bastia Court of Appeal, almost two years ago, I made a commitment: to open the Court as much as possible to the outside world to make it shine in Corsican society in the broad sense. This is why the Attorney General and I organized a seminar on environmental law with Italy a few weeks ago, significantly strengthened ties with the University of Corte, and organized a careers forum.
This conference is part of this ambition to open justice to society. It also tends to give height and contribute to reflection on very structuring fundamental subjects which run through Corsican society. I am very attached to the independence of justice, but this should not lead to withdrawal.

– What is the importance of such an event for the Bastia Court of Appeal?
– This is a first, a demanding conference that we designed with the National School of Magistrates and the Institute for the Research of Justice, with the conviction that this type of conference should not be the prerogative of Paris ; it is also a way of promoting this territory. Never has a conference of this magnitude and this level been held at the Court with such a broad vision and such high-level speakers on subjects which affect the identity of Corsica. Obviously there is a demand and a desire, because almost 200 people have registered.

– As president of the Bastia Court of Appeal, what personal role do you play in the promotion of justice in Corsica and in the organization of this conference?
– I am at the initiative of this conference which is close to my heart, I have an ambition for this Court and an eminently open vision. The construction of this is a collective work, with the Attorney General, and my colleagues obviously. We also exchanged a lot to build the program with the speakers. We wanted there to be a lot of Corsicans, because it was obviously unthinkable to think about Corsica without the Corsicans: the key is the shared perspective.

– How does justice in Corsica differ from the rest of France, particularly in terms of tradition and perception of the law?
– The precise subject of this conference is to reflect on the question of specificity: does it really exist? The relationship to violence, weapons, forgiveness, honor, silence, geography and insularity as well as history are undoubtedly keys to reading. I have noticed since I arrived that the Corsicans are very attached to republican justice and very interested. They are passionate about the affairs of our courts, much more than on the continent.

– Corsica has a homicide rate higher than the national average. What do you think are the main historical and cultural factors that explain this phenomenon?
– The springs are historical, cultural without a doubt; I am thinking in particular of the trivialization of weapons possession among the Corsicans. The presence in the territory of mafia groups and highly established organized crime is another key explanation.

– How does the Bastia Court of Appeal work to reconcile island traditions with republican laws in order to effectively regulate violence?
– If justice must be the same throughout the territory, there are island particularities. In terms of audiences, there is a taste for words, for audiences, which makes audiences longer and we have to adapt. We also adapt to geography by accepting pleadings from Ajaccio to avoid lawyers having to cross the Vizzavona pass. Regarding the violence you mention, we work closely with the security forces, the JIRS, the PNAT.

– The conference brings together not only jurists and magistrates, but also historians, economists, anthropologists, writers and even Cardinal Bustillo. Why is it important to have such an interdisciplinary approach to addressing justice issues in Corsica?
– The desired approach is that of shared perspectives. That’s the whole point. We wanted height. This theme is not the exclusive property of justice.

– What specific contributions do you expect from other disciplines in understanding and resolving legal and social problems in Corsica?
– Their outlook, their expertise, their experience, their background. I always believe in the richness of exchange and, without puns, of contradiction in respect.



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