Which Minister of the Economy for the National Rally? Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are still looking for their “expert”

Which Minister of the Economy for the National Rally? Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are still looking for their “expert”
Which Minister of the Economy for the National Rally? Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella are still looking for their “expert”

Leading the polls for the legislative elections, the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella is looking for a future tenant of Bercy. But the names of the approached profiles that are circulating close the door.

Who will be responsible for implementing the National Rally’s economic program in the event of the appointment of a Prime Minister from the party following the legislative elections? Jean-Philippe Tanguy is considered one of the main contenders for the post of Minister of Economy and Finance if the RN were to obtain an absolute majority in the election of June 30 and July 7. But behind the scenes, the political group is active and has approached several “expert” profiles.

The member of the Finance Committee himself recently confirmed discussions with big bosses, who “need to be reassured”, like the markets, while France must raise 300 billion euros this year. “There is no big boss,” added the parliamentarian.

Wednesday morning on France 2, the head of deputies RN Marine Le Pen also assured that a specialist would be appointed to Bercy in the event of victory in the legislative elections: “There will be someone at the Ministry of the Economy who knows what he speaks and who can put the country back on track since Emmanuel Macron’s government has seriously derailed our country.” “I can confirm to you that (Jordan Bardella) already has his government in mind,” assured the figure of the National Rally.

The former financier expected by François Fillon in 2017 among the profiles

In recent days, the entourage of “Matignon candidate” Jordan Bardella has leaked some names of former bankers likely to occupy this position, but all of them deny to BFM Business having been contacted as well as their willingness to accept such a position. job. This is the case of Henri de Castries who believes that the RN program “is the opposite of what I defend at the Montaigne Institute”. As a reminder, the former CEO of the insurer Axa was lieutenant of François Fillon during the 2017 campaign and already considered at the time to lead Bercy.

The former head of asset manager Amundi and now president of the Institute for Sustainable Finance (IFD) Yves Perrier also denies any contact, with his entourage assuring that it makes no sense. The same goes for the former head of Bred Olivier Klein who defines himself as a social democrat.

Mathieu Jolivet and Matthieu Pechberty with Timothée Talbi

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