Miscellaneous facts – Justice – The GUD and three ultra-right structures based in Lyon dissolved

Miscellaneous facts – Justice – The GUD and three ultra-right structures based in Lyon dissolved
Miscellaneous facts – Justice – The GUD and three ultra-right structures based in Lyon dissolved

The GUD (Union Defense Group) and three other ultra-right structures based in Lyon were dissolved this Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, announced government spokesperson Prisca Thévenot, a few days before the first round of the legislative elections.

Apart from the GUD, an ultra-right student union created in the 1970s and recently reactivated, the three other dissolved structures are the “de facto group” Les Remparts, as well as two associations, La Traboule and Top Sport Rhône.

An Islamist association, Jonas Paris, was also dissolved this Wednesday.

We have just dissolved ultra-right associations, including the GUD, and radical Islamists in the Council of Ministers“, wrote on X, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. “Hatred of extremes must be fought by the Republic“, he added.

Never dissolved but dormant since 2017, the GUD announced its return at the end of 2022. Gérald Darmanin announced last week that he was going to propose to Emmanuel Macron the dissolution of the GUD, which he had accused of being “ami” of “people” of the National Rally (RN).

This small group encourages “violent acts against people“, according to the dissolution decree.

The group has “also published targeted messages against people or members of groups presented as ‘antifa’ to implicitly incite violence against them“, continues the decree.

As for the Remparts, it holds a “speech provoking hatred, discrimination and violence against foreigners“, in “developing a discourse focused on the defense of race and the incompatibility between Islam and Western civilization“, according to the decree.

The group will contest its dissolution before the Council of State, announced a spokesperson.



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