Montpellier: a solidarity concert of “Pop pop pop” in favor of Secours populaire

Montpellier: a solidarity concert of “Pop pop pop” in favor of Secours populaire
Montpellier: a solidarity concert of “Pop pop pop” in favor of Secours populaire


Maceo Primot

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 2:30 p.m.

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This Wednesday, June 26, at 9 p.m., at the Halle Tropisme from Montpellier, the group Pop Pop Pop will offer a unique concert.

This young group created in 2018 which is part of the association Voices on all floors, is made up of around twenty young and vibrant singers (aged 20 to 40), under the direction of Lionel Licini, with the accompaniment of a rhythm guitar. Their specialty is performing the great international pop hits of the 70s and 80s, all served by original choreography.

A concert for a good cause

The show will be a vocal festival where the subtle balance of voices produces constantly renewed harmonies. But what makes this concert so special is that all of the funds raised will be donated to the solidarity actions of Secours populaire de l’Hérault. So if you want to do a good gesture while having a good time, don’t hesitate!

Practical information: “POP POP POP” solidarity concert
Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 9 p.m.
Halle Tropisme – 121 rue Fontcouverte
34000 Montpellier
Adult: 10€
5€ for children (-18 years old)
Free for children under 5 years old

Online ticketing:

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