Despite the drought, why water is returning to this river in the Pyrénées-Orientales

Despite the drought, why water is returning to this river in the Pyrénées-Orientales
Despite the drought, why water is returning to this river in the Pyrénées-Orientales


Emilien Vicens

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 2:16 p.m.
; updated June 26, 2024 at 2:20 p.m.

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“The Agly is sinking again”. A few kilometers from Perpignan, the town of Espira-de-l’Agly is smiling a little again. For two weeks, one of the three rivers of Eastern Pyrenees found water and flow again. If the image is reassuring, the phenomenon is the result of a test and does not make us forget the critical situation experienced by the driest department in France.

Water back in the river

Many residents have noticed: water is back in Agly, all the way to the gates of Salanque. For almost a year, the downstream part of the northernmost river in the Pyrénées-Orientales has been completely dry. So much so that local fishermen have carried out several operations to rescue fish trapped in puddles.

Although some rain did some good in May, the soil and water reserves of the Catalan country still remain at a low level. significant deficit. However, in recent days, water has started to flow in the Agly, as far as Espira-de-l’Agly, to the delight of local residents.

« Miracle ! », says a resident. “What a pleasure to see water again in our river,” rejoices another. Not far from there, the neighboring towns, located downstream of the river, are not so lucky. Water is still not flowing in the Agly, in Rivesaltes, Claira, Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque or even Torreilles, where the river remains dry.

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Recharging wells and agricultural boreholes

On its site, the Agly watershed joint union explains that this sudden arrival of water in the river is the result of a test. “A recharge test for agricultural wells and boreholes in the lower valley has been implemented since June 10,” explains the union, which continues:

The objective is to allow a recharge of the surface aquifers in which agricultural withdrawals are located, without taking any risk for the support of drinking water until December 31, 2024.

Mixed Syndicate of the Agly Watershed

Concretely, water has been released since the Caramany dam, yet unrecognizable and very low this winter, to irrigate the downstream part of the Agly and recharge agricultural wells and boreholes. As a reminder, this Pyrénées-Orientales river is vulnerable because it does not benefit from melting snow. Its source is located at only 1,230 m above sea level, to the north-east of Pech de Bugarach (Aude).

“The end of 9 months of total flow disruption”

“The condition for maintaining this outflow is that this does not encroach on the flow projections necessary to support the drinking water supply to the communities downstream of the dam. The evolution of the situation depends on the speed of destocking from the dam, and therefore on the incoming flow, precipitation or not, evaporation,” details the press release.

“A flow close to the usual flow during the summer period is measured at Mas de Jau (but with a much greater flow leaving the dam), ending approximately 9 months of total flow disruption on the sector (nearly a year without a prolonged flow), concludes the Joint Union.

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