Two electric minibuses put into circulation on the island of Groix

Two electric minibuses put into circulation on the island of Groix
Two electric minibuses put into circulation on the island of Groix

Lorient Agglomération has put two electric buses into service on the island of Groix (Morbihan). They replace the old diesel-powered buses to provide the two lines in service on the island: the 113, whose timetables are based on the boat timetables, and the 35, which serves the town every morning and provides on-demand service.

Autonomy over a day

The new shuttles with an exclusive design for Groix are more spacious with a capacity of 35 seats, a suitable size, have a removable electric ramp for people with reduced mobility and are equipped with new ticketing with contactless payment. They respond to the transition towards more ecological and more economical public transport: autonomy over a day and reduction of noise pollution.

Read also: The crossings between Clohars-Carnoët and the island of Groix are over

An investment of €640,000

For Fabrice Loher, president of Lorient Agglo and mayor of Lorient, “ the island of Groix has an exceptional natural environment. The transport offer proposed by the IziLo Mobilités network respects the environment .

During the inauguration, Mayor Dominique Yvon and the four elected officials present enjoyed a tour of the island, passing through Pen Men to Locmaria.

The investment cost €640,000.



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