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During the Ukraine – Belgium match, Maryna Zanevska’s heart will be divided: “Ukraine needs this victory more”

During the Ukraine – Belgium match, Maryna Zanevska’s heart will be divided: “Ukraine needs this victory more”
During the Ukraine – Belgium match, Maryna Zanevska’s heart will be divided: “Ukraine needs this victory more”

This Wednesday evening, his heart will be racing. And only a joint qualification of Belgium and Ukraine will be able to fully satisfy it. Born in Odessa in Ukraine, the former tennis player, Maryna Zanevska (30), took the nationality of her adopted country in 2016: Belgium. The then teenager grew up on our soil to become a professional player. And to top it off, to tick all the boxes in this Euro, she lives in… Germany with her husband.

Maryna, how will you experience the Ukraine – Belgium match?

”My situation is not ideal, I support three teams in this Euro. Ukraine, because that’s where I was born, where my family is. Belgium, because that’s where my second home is, where I grew up. And Germany, because my husband is German. In fact, I have three chances to be happy or… unhappy. I would like Ukraine and Belgium to qualify. I sincerely think that Belgium is better. I was impressed by his match against Romania. But Ukraine, as a country, needs this victory more. I don’t want to dwell on the war but every good news for the country is necessary. Ukrainians are going through difficult times, and sport can unite them. But in the end, may the best win. I will be sitting in front of the television holding two flags.”

“Belgium gave me the opportunity to make my dream come true.”

What does Belgium mean to you?

”It’s my second homeland. Belgium means home to me. Sometimes I feel more at home in Brussels than in Odessa. I had the opportunity to represent Belgium at the highest level and it was always an honor. My heart is in Ukraine, because my family is there and there are horrible events happening there. But my goal has always been to represent Belgium with dignity and respect for this country which has given me a lot. He gave me the opportunity to make my dream come true, I will never forget it.”

Is it important for Ukraine to participate in the Euro, to remind everyone that the war is still going on?

”It’s not so important to remind people around the world that there is a war in Ukraine. This is much more crucial for Ukrainians. The emotions experienced during a victory at the Euro offer a little boost of energy. I know people who are fighting at the front, and believe me, they are at the front watching football. This is why I said that Ukraine needs this victory more, without disrespect to any country playing in the Euro. You can’t even imagine how many emotions and positive energy this brings to Ukrainian citizens and the Ukrainian army.”

Is there a great attraction for the Euro in Germany?

”Yes, we live in Düsseldorf and we feel a very special atmosphere. There are big areas for fans, there are lots of tourists. All the bars broadcast the matches. And as Germany is qualified, it gives a good atmosphere.”

Will it be hot at home in the event of Germany – Belgium or Germany – Ukraine?

”With my husband, for 90 minutes, we will be enemies. But afterward, I’m sure we’ll be husband and wife again, in love again (laughs).”

“Now I live almost pain-free.”

You ended your career a year ago, how are you coping with this choice?

”My life without tennis is different, but I’m doing well. The most important thing is that I am working a lot on my health, on my back problem, which was the main reason for my stop. The first three months were very difficult because I was in a lot of pain. I took painkillers for two years. When I stopped taking them, it was hell for three months. But very slowly, I am getting better. I continue to do workouts three times a week, in addition to physiotherapy treatments and yoga. I do sports for health and not for performance. I enjoy the time at home. Not traveling anymore makes me happy.”

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You were at Roland-Garros this year as a spectator. Do you miss tennis?

”The main reason I was there was to take coaching courses and obtain my coaching license. It’s useful to have this diploma if I ever want to return to the world of tennis. I came to Roland-Garros to support my friend Kimberley Zimmermann. I saw a lot of people. It was pleasant but after this stay, I came to the conclusion that I really closed this chapter of my life. Do I miss tennis? Yes, the game and the adrenaline, but not everything else: the travel, the hotels, lugging your bags, the injuries and the pain. Playing tennis is the best job in the world and I believe that players don’t always realize how lucky they are. I’m not sure I’ll find another job that brings me as much emotion. I accept it and I live differently: I live almost pain-free, I do sports for my health, I spend time with my family, my friends, I build my life with my husband and I discover new projects.”

Maryna Zanevska continued to develop her candle company… ©DR

What are your projects ?

”My main project is candle making. Make them, sell them, develop my social networks, create content, manage all the administration. I have recently organized a few workshops and will expand this for birthdays, team-building, bachelor parties, etc. You make candles with me and have a great time with snacks and drinks in the company of a group of friends. My goal was to create something different, unique. I’m preparing for a big fashion show in August in Düsseldorf, where I will have a space to display my candles. What was once a hobby is now a very fun and serious business venture. Sometimes I give tennis lessons, sometimes I do photo shoots for brands. My life is definitely different than it was before.”

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