Alès: vandalism and break-in at the Cévenol Rugby Club

Alès: vandalism and break-in at the Cévenol Rugby Club
Alès: vandalism and break-in at the Cévenol Rugby Club

This Wednesday, June 26, two speakers and food were stolen from the premises on the Montée de Silhol.

In the early morning of Wednesday June 26, the Cévenol Rugby Club discovered that its premises, located on the Montée de Silhol, had been burglarized. “It looks like the work of amateurs, it’s more like vandalism,” notes Arthur, member of the association and employee. “Two speakers and a basket garni sausage were stolen.”

The lock on the rear door of the premises was forced, the window broken, it seems that a piece of wood was used as a crowbar, abandoned on the side. The drinks reserve has been searched, the fridge opened, a few cans and cigarette remnants are still lying around.

“It is not the first time”

Without going as far as break-ins, the club is regularly confronted with intrusions and illegal occupations of the stadium pitch.“This isn’t the first time this has happened.” explains Valentin Barrel, sports instructor of the club. “We have asked several times to secure the stadium, which has no guard, and which is never closed. So people come to hang out in the evening, leave beers, cigarette butts.” The coach also mentions insults towards a neighboring octogenarian, uttered by “squatters” on the pitch, and a fire starting on the pitch.

At the start of the morning, the members of the club awaited the arrival of the police, in particular for findings.



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