An Algerian media campaign targets Morocco

An Algerian media campaign targets Morocco
An Algerian media campaign targets Morocco

Algerian media have engaged in a campaign of fake news and disinformation targeting Morocco. Without a trace of professionalism, the Algerian media wanted to make people believe that the Kingdom of Morocco was militarily engaged in the war led by Israel in Gaza. Here’s the truth from the falsehood.

Several Algerian media relayed the information which seems to be directly directed against Morocco as part of a disinformation campaign. Algerian newspapers, including official channels, have accused Morocco of supplying Moroccan military aircraft to Israel, supposedly as part of military cooperation between the two countries.

The Algerian media spoke of “the involvement of the Kingdom of Morocco in the war against the Palestinians” alongside the Israeli army, and to give more credence to this fallacious discourse, the Algerian media added the statements of alleged “ experts in military strategy” who would have confirmed this information.

Algerian radio also invited a man named Ali Maqsoud, a Syrian brigadier general, who commented on a report alleging Morocco’s participation in a military force alongside the Israeli army in the war against Hamas.

These speeches directed against Morocco are only the application of the Algerian anti-Moroccan strategy which began in 2019 with the election of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune and the Algerian military regime shaken to its core which saw the appointment of General Gaid Salah as number 1 in military power then Said Chengriha, two men known for their deeply anti-Moroccan positions.

The objective of the Algerian media is to give a bad image of Morocco, as an Arab country committed to the Palestinian cause while it has raised it to the rank of first cause like its national cause of the Sahara.

Moreover, Morocco holds the presidency of the Al Qods Committee, in the person of King Mohammed VI, and the echoes of Palestinian officials thanking the Kingdom for its continued support prove the opposite of what the Algerian media are trying to show, whose echo does not go beyond Algeria.

The information relayed by the Algerian press was not, however, completely false. Morocco did indeed send planes to this region, but what was presented by the Algerian media as military planes supporting Israel, were in reality planes of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) that were transporting medical equipment for the wounded and victims of the war in Gaza.

40 tonnes of medical aid were transported by Morocco, the first country to have succeeded in installing a land humanitarian corridor in Gaza in the midst of war. The Kingdom has continued to support and support the Palestinian populations since the start of the war.

This is a new shipment of medical aid for the benefit of the inhabitants of Gaza which was sent on the orders of King Mohammed VI, who financed a large part of this aid with his own money, said a press release from the ministry. Foreign Affairs.

The headlong rush of the Algerian media, which made these misleading allegations and, worse, communicated them through official channels, shows once again the low credibility and professionalism of the press in this country.

The lure presented in Algeria regarding Morocco did not last more than a few hours since an official statement from the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the sending of shipments of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians on high royal instructions, thus revealing the nature and purpose of the presence of Moroccan military aircraft on site.

Algeria, which does not miss an opportunity to present itself as a country supporting Palestine, verbally only, could inspire Morocco to materialize its many empty words and send aid to populations scarred by the war instead of criticize those who act.

But having no official communication channels with Israel, Algeria is not authorized to send anything to the Palestinians and is content to launch slogans, invent fake news about Morocco and ridicule itself.



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