Marignane-Gignac-Côte-Bleue can finally take off

Marignane-Gignac-Côte-Bleue can finally take off
Marignane-Gignac-Côte-Bleue can finally take off

After coming close to filing for bankruptcy when Aliaume Gonthier took over the helm, Marignane-Gignac-Côte-Bleue can now approach its new season more calmly. Relegated to National 2, the flagship club of Etang de Berre received this Tuesday evening the verdict from the DNCG (the financial policeman of football): « Supervision of the payroll. »

« I suspected it », admits President Gonthier, calmly. On the Aubagne side, on the other hand, it’s all grimacing. Lionel Jeanningros’ club was in fact banned from moving up to National. The latter still has the opportunity to appeal.

The renewal of the MGCB necessarily requires an undeniable squad review before starting the season. Salim Mramboini becomes the U18 coach. Mansour Sy, Houssen Abderrahmane, Cyril Boukhit, Léni Quenabio, Joris Mallet, Randi Goteni and Osée Diampo Sengelé were not retained or chose to leave the Provençal club. For their part, Othmane Benhamza, Diaby Doucouré, Dany Goprou, Anthony Herbin and Guillaume Bosca have re-signed at Marignane-Gignac-Côte-Bleue. « Some files are being finalized »specifies Aliaume Gonthier, who decided to bring two national U19s and two members of the reserve into R1 within the flag team.

The president and his staff have been working for some time to recruit new elements. « There will be some signatures next week. Confirmed National players will sign with us »he slips, with the objective of playing at the top of the table.



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