Can the RN win seats in Aisne, Marne and Ardennes?

Can the RN win seats in Aisne, Marne and Ardennes?
Can the RN win seats in Aisne, Marne and Ardennes?

Big winner of the European elections with 50.8% of the votes in Aisne, 50.5% in the Ardennes and 40.3% in Marne, the National Rally is on a favorable dynamic for the legislative elections. Until getting new seats? Analysis of the lists of candidates provides the beginnings of an answer.

The outgoing RN deputies of Aisne, Nicolas Dragon (1D constituency), José Beaurain (4e) and Jocelyn Designy (5e) can reasonably hope to regain their seats. Firstly because they are (a little) spared by the “outstretched hand” of Reconquête! including the local delegation which does not present candidates in 4e and 5e.

Then because LR does not present candidates in the 1D and the 4e. Because of the alliance initiated by the contested president of LR Éric Ciotti? “No, it’s a lack of fighters », replies Julien Dive, outgoing LR deputy and candidate in 2e. The latter is little threatened by the RN, Renaissance having decided not to present a candidate. There will be a pro-Ciotti LR in Aisne. We don’t know if he can get a 4e RN seat in Aisne facing an outgoing deputy Jean-Louis Bricout (Liot) spared by Renaissance and the left.

The constituencies of the Marne have so far resisted the RN well. But some are under pressure. Particularly in 2e where Anne-Sophie Frigout will try to recover the seat she lost in December 2022 following the appeal of Laure Miller (Renaissance). His colleague from 3e, Éric Girardin, will have to face the barrage of a parachuted LR-ciottist. This is also the case for the outgoing Xavier Albertini (Horizons) in the 1D. Elected with 63% of the votes in 2022 in the 5eCharles de Courson seems better anchored to his seat.

In the Ardennes (where the prefecture has not yet announced the applications), those leaving must deal with a majority RN for Europeans. “ I’m not leaving defeated, I’m confident », declares the one leaving the 1D Lionel Vuibert (Renaissance). He is banking on those disappointed with Raphaël Glucksmann’s rallying to the New Popular Front.



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