The weather forecast for Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Strasbourg and its surroundings

The weather forecast for Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Strasbourg and its surroundings
The weather forecast for Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Strasbourg and its surroundings

This Wednesday, June 26, Strasbourg will dawn under a clear sky, and temperatures will be very high for the month of June. In the early morning, the mercury will read 18°C, and will gradually increase between 6 a.m. and noon to 28°C. The wind will be 5 km/h at 7 a.m., increasing to around 15 km/h by mid-morning. Its orientation will be inconsistent during this time slot.

This afternoon, the sky will still be clear around noon, then the clouds will completely cover the sky at the start of the afternoon. The wind force will be between 5 and 25 km/h, while the thermometer will gradually drop between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to reach 26°C. The wind could reach 55 km/h in gusts. The wind direction will be unstable during this period.

This evening, the wind force will continue to diminish between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. until it reaches approximately 15 km/h, and its direction will fluctuate. 45 km/h can be exceeded in bursts. The mercury will continue to drop towards the start of the evening to 23°C. The clouds will persist.

The wind will oscillate between 15 and 20 km/h overnight, and its direction will change. Gusts could exceed 40 km/h. The thermometer will continue to drop between midnight and 4 a.m. to 21°C. Overall, the weather will be mostly clear.

For tomorrow, the air temperature will be high: it will be between 20 and 28°C. The weather will be mainly overcast, with drizzle in the evening but also light rain in the second half of the day and in the evening.

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