Legislative elections 2024: the results in the main municipalities of Var

Legislative elections 2024: the results in the main municipalities of Var
Legislative elections 2024: the results in the main municipalities of Var

This list is updated regularly, according to the results communicated by the Var prefecture.

A Frejusa town led by the National Rally mayor David Rachline, is the RN candidate, Julie Lechanteux who came out on top with 52.91% of the votes cast in her favour. She was followed by Philippe Michel-Kleisbauer (Together!) with 20.84% ​​of the votes and Aurélien Lacour (Union of the Left) who achieved a score of 14.23%.

The inhabitants of Saint-Raphael have placed Julie Lechanteux (RN) leading the first round of the 2024 legislative elections. She obtained 46.85% of the votes. Philippe Michel-Kleisbauer (Together!) is second with 25.47% of the votes. The candidates Les Républicains, Danièle Lombard, and (Union de la gauche), Aurélien Lacour are neck and neck in third and fourth position.

On the side of Brignolesthe National Rally candidate, Frank Giletti also obtained more than 50% of the votes (53.52%). In second position, with 21.12% of the votes, is Sylvie Vinceneux (Union of the Left) then the UDI candidate Fabrice Albert (14.76%).

A Six-Fours-les-Plages, Frederic Boccaletti was widely acclaimed since the RN candidate obtained 52.46% of the votes against 17.93% for Cécile Muschotti (Ensemble!). The left-wing candidate, Claudie Cartereau came third with 13.02% of the votes.

Laura Lavalette takes the lead at La Valette-du-Var. The outgoing member of the National Rally received 53.09% of the votes. Josy Chambon (Together!) and Isaline Cornil (Union of the Left) showed 22.55% and 16.12% respectively.

A The Seyne-sur-Mer, Frederic Boccaletti obtained 45.08% of the votes. The National Rally candidate came out on top ahead of Claudie Cartereau (Union de la Gaucge, 25.74%) and the presidential majority candidate Cécile Muschotti (15.47%).

A Hyèresthe National Rally and its candidate Stephane Rambaud collected 44.84% of the votes cast. Isabelle Monfort (Ensemble!) and Julia Peironet-Bremond (Union de la gauche) came in second and third with 21.74% and 19.28% of the votes.



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