in Bordeaux, the future of the Allées de Tourny is taking shape

in Bordeaux, the future of the Allées de Tourny is taking shape
in Bordeaux, the future of the Allées de Tourny is taking shape

EAround 1,500 people gave their opinion on the redevelopment of the alleys of Tourny, as part of the public consultation led by the City of Bordeaux. They did not express anything revolutionary, a desire for beautification rather than change, an upgrading of this emblematic public space which until now has remained outside of major urban renovation operations.

The three A’s of Pierre Hurmic

The project covers an area of ​​more than 2.5 hectares, including the alleys, the Cours du XXX-Juillet and part of rue Esprit-des-Lois. The town hall pursues a triple objective that Mayor Pierre Hurmic presents as “ [ses] three A’s: display, soothe, animate. The people who took part in the consultation do not seem very far from it. They mainly want to preserve the lime trees, make the public space calmer and indeed more lively, but in a very measured way: “We are not in Quinconces”, shouted a resident during the restitution of the consultation, this Tuesday 25 June.

The restitution of the results of the consultation took place in a room of the Grand-Théâtre.

D. L.

Certain elements are expected to remain: access to the underground car park, the visual perspective on the Grand-Théâtre, the trees, the carousel. Everyone also agrees on the “exceptional potential”, the heritage value of the alleys, their role as a showcase, a symbol of the historic center. Very good, but what do we do with all this?

The discarded gravel floor

First of all, we calm down. The alleys are perceived as invaded by cars, noisy, polluted, with lanes to cross to access the central esplanade. The project will have to reduce car space, while maintaining access to parking. Some suggest switching all traffic to one side, to dedicate the other to pedestrians and bicycles (like on Place Gambetta). Bicycles which will have to stop rolling on the central esplanade, where they annoy pedestrians. Others want pedestrian continuity from Sainte-Catherine Street. As for the gravel floor of the esplanade, there seems to be unanimous opposition to it.

Second, the animation. The consultations describe a little frequented space, not very lively on a daily basis, not suitable for major events, “a place of passage more than a destination”. But any events must remain discreet, on a human scale. “Will the activities be permanent in the noise, to distract us? » asked a resident. “Can we imagine a haven of peace, which allows us to rest? » Applause in the room. One woman believes that we do not know enough about “the general spirit of the arrangements”.

Nature, finally. We preserve the trees, that’s a given. But we add diversity, to move away from 100% lime trees. And we put water. “Even just a tap, so you can at least fill your water bottle,” sighs a man. Water, an element in high demand in the consultation.

Now what will happen? In September, the town hall will be assisted by a specialized firm to define the project. In June 2025, temporary arrangements will be made. Two years later, in 2027, the time for renovation will have come.



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