“Let’s give white children a future”, the controversial poster has been removed, the prosecutor opens an investigation

“Let’s give white children a future”, the controversial poster has been removed, the prosecutor opens an investigation
“Let’s give white children a future”, the controversial poster has been removed, the prosecutor opens an investigation

A poster creates controversy in Neuves-Maisons in Meurthe-et-Moselle. Signed by the Parti de France, it supports Pierre-Nicolas Nups candidate in the 5th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle. The mayor of the town filed a complaint with the Nancy public prosecutor, who decided to open an investigation. The candidate of the “Rally of the National Right” sees no reason for criticism.

Clearly, the 5th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle will have had its share of twists and turns in the express campaign for the 2024 legislative elections. First there was the surprise of seeing three right-wing candidates appear there, including one, Louis- Joseph Pecher, invested under the label “On the right with the friends of Ciotti” fruit of the RN/LR agreements. The latter was quickly disowned by both parties for “anti-Semitic, homophobic and filthy” remarks. And now Pierre-Nicolas Nups, the candidate running under the banner “Rally of the National Right” is creating controversy with a support poster with racist overtones, although the author denies it.

This poster borders on the unspeakable

Pascal Schneider, mayor of Neuves-Maisons (PS)

On this “Party of France” poster, that of Pierre-Nicolas Nups, a little blond guy with very blue eyes against the backdrop of a rural landscape, and a shocking slogan: “Let’s give white children a future”. A poster which made many parents of Neuves-Maisons react where these posters were posted.

All children have the right to a future regardless of their skin color

This is the case of Sylvie* contacted by telephone: “I discovered it yesterday morning near the school, I was horrified, I got goosebumps. My child himself is blond with blue eyes and he is lucky to live in diversity. The racism of the poster is obvious, all children have the right to a future regardless of their skin color“, and to wonder about the chosen location near a school”It must not be a coincidence, we are exploiting children. I experience it like a dam that begins to give way“.

Following numerous phone calls from his constituents and his own indignation, Pascal Schneider, the mayor of Neuves-Maisons, decided to file a complaint with the Nancy prosecutor for “provocation of discrimination, hatred or racist violence“.

Reached by telephone, he gives us his feelings:

This poster borders on the unspeakable. It is in front of all the schools in the city, imagine the shock of students and parents. As a responsible mayor, I reported these comments which are subject to the law. I do not express myself as a socialist mayor who supports Dominique Potier but as a guarantor of republican values.”

This poster follows the assassination of Thomas in Crépol, killed because he was white.

Pierre-Nicolas Nups, “Rally of the National Right” candidate

Pierre-Nicolas Nups reacted to this controversy, interviewed in our premises, he affirmed that this poster had to be put in context: “This poster was produced as part of the European elections in support of Madame Maréchal Le Pen’s campaign. It follows the assassination of Thomas in Crépol. Killed because he was white and last week a Jewish kid who pretended to be Muslim to have peace was raped and tortured because she was Jewish and white, that’s why I want the white children of this continent to have a future“.

The candidate believes that there is a malicious interpretation of the mayor of Neuves-Maisons who is worried about his future with the score of the far-right parties in the last elections. He also rejects any connection with posters of the Nazi regime where blond children were used on propaganda posters, “it represents my father” he mentioned in the interview, “the poster was created by an AI with photos that I had available“In conclusion, he asserts”It’s going to be fine Mr. Schneider, take a xanax” against the mayor who filed the complaint.

Former member of the Nancy GUD (far-right student organization whose dissolution Gérarld Darmanin is calling for), Pierre-Nicolas Nups, was sentenced in 2017 to six months in prison and five years of ineligibility for inciting homophobic hatred. . He was already a candidate for the 2017 legislative elections, under the banner “Committee of Jeanne”, the movement of Jean-Marie Le Pen and was noticed by welcoming Eric Zemmour to Nancy in 2023 by singing “Maréchal, nous voilà”.

By not attributing its support to him, the RN itself judged him unsuitable, but the candidate does not intend to remain silent. The next poster of the French party “Let them return to Africa” ​​is already planned for printing and that is not a joke.

In Neuves-Maisons, the controversial posters stuck on public signs in the city have been covered up. For the posters of the official panels, the town hall gave the candidate formal notice to remove them, which was done this Tuesday, June 25 in the morning. The facts were also reported to the prefecture.

The mayor does not intend to stop there: “faced with such liberated speech, we cannot remain without doing anything“. At the end of the day the Nancy public prosecutor’s office announced to us that it had decided to entrust an investigation to the Nancy research brigade into the charge of public provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence based on the origin or belonging or not belonging to a specific ethnic group, nation, race or religion.

The 5th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle has five other candidates:

  • Dominique Potier, DVG
  • Quentin Vinot, LR
  • Louis-Joseph Pecher, Various extreme right
  • Miriam Aubert, Workers’ Struggle
  • Mathieu Edouard, SE

*The first name has been changed to ensure confidentiality.



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