where is the latest demolition of Inolya in Hauteville?

where is the latest demolition of Inolya in Hauteville?
where is the latest demolition of Inolya in Hauteville?

The large tower no longer rises above the district. Inolya is continuing its vast demolition and renovation project in Hauteville, on the heights of Lisieux. The social landlord only has one building left to destroy, out of the twelve planned. It is located between avenue René-Coty and place Debussy, in shopping center n°1.

Read also: In this district of Lisieux, these building caretakers “do everything to make people feel good”

For eight months, the 45-unit tower was draped in white. A large tarpaulin covered it for safety reasons while asbestos removal work was being carried out. This decontamination, completed since the end of May 2024, is now giving way to a “nibbling” of the building.

In technical jargon, we speak of“clipping”. “We use machines with jaws to destroy the building from the inside, floor by floor. The rubble is evacuated through the old elevator shaft to limit the release of dust in the neighborhood”describes Yann Besnard, head of the Inolya rehabilitation center.

A plant path

This new phase of the project should last four and a half months and mobilize around fifteen people. When you reach the fifth floor, the snacking will stop. The rest of the building will then be brought down by a demolition machine.

The underground infrastructures will be preserved, “because they support the entire neighborhood”. Last step, backfilling: “We add soil and sow”, summarizes Yann Besnard. The neighborhood renewal project plans to install a green pedestrian path at this location.

Two million euros

Step by step, the final demolition of Inolya in Hauteville should be completed in October. Perhaps even at the end of July, according to the most optimistic forecasts. “Fourteen months in total is very short in terms of execution, even though we have been preparing the site since 2019”confides Jean-Noël Mazelin, operation manager.

The social landlord will have invested two million euros for the destruction of this tower alone and 48 million euros in total in the urban renewal of the district.



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