Manuel Valls does not forgive LFI “for putting the figure of the Jew and Israel at the heart of the debates”

Manuel Valls does not forgive LFI “for putting the figure of the Jew and Israel at the heart of the debates”
Manuel Valls does not forgive LFI “for putting the figure of the Jew and Israel at the heart of the debates”

Guest of BFMTV Tuesday evening, the former prime minister considered that “we cannot, to fight the RN, ally ourselves with a party whose many candidates have made anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic remarks. .”

It was he who first theorized, in 2016, the “two irreconcilable lefts”. Eight years later, Manuel Valls has not changed one iota. Worse, the facts would have proven him right. Guest of BFMTV Tuesday evening, as part of the early legislative campaign, the former prime minister recalled why he will vote neither for the National Rally… nor for La France Insoumise. And this, despite the alliance which brings together the entire left in the “New Popular Front”.

A few hours after publishing a column to this effect in The world , alongside his successor Bernard Cazeneuve or the essayist Élisabeth Badinter, Manuel Valls affirmed that he “defended the idea of ​​rejecting the RN” All “by not being able to forgive LFI for having put the figure of the Jew, of Israel at the heart of the debates.” “This has been the case since the Dreyfus affair, insisted the former host of Matignon. In recent months, this has provoked a campaign (in the European elections, editor’s note) the effects of which we see every day in our country.”

“No political or strategic reason”

Continuing his charge against the rebellious leaders, Manuel Valls criticized the strategy of other left-wing parties, and in particular the PS: “We cannot, to fight the RN, ally ourselves with a party whose line and many candidates have made anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic remarks.” “There is no political and strategic reason which obliges and which obliged this”, mocked the former prime minister. By scathing the «tensions» and the «rupture» of the conflictualisation of the debates orchestrated by LFI.



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