After-prom: Warning about “unsightly events”

After-prom: Warning about “unsightly events”
After-prom: Warning about “unsightly events”

Students from CSSDGS schools are planning to participate in the event. (Photo: Le Reflet – Archives)

The Grandes-Seigneuries School Service Center is warning parents of Secondary 4 and 5 students about holding an après-ball type event on June 29 in Saint-Calixte, in the Laurentians, where events unsightly acts involving drugs and non-consensual sexual acts are said to be planned by certain individuals.

The Roussillon Intermunicipal Police Agency has been informed of worrying rumors in connection with this evening. “The police take these rumors very seriously and recommend that you be extremely vigilant and even reconsider the presence of your young person at this evening, if he had planned to be there,” mentions the CSSDGS in a letter addressed to the parents whose Reflect obtained a copy on June 25.

“We would like to point out to you that this evening nor any other after-ball type evening is organized by one or other of the secondary schools of the Grandes-Seigneuries School Service Center (CSSDGS) and that, unlike the prom, no member of our staff will be there to provide supervision and supervision,” insists the school center.

The CSSDGS indicates that an investigation is underway by the Roussillon Intermunicipal Police Authority to determine the accuracy of the information obtained and make arrests, if necessary. The police are also in contact with the Sûreté du Québec, which is responsible for the territory in Saint-Calixte and which plans to deploy personnel during this evening.

“In a broader context, we strongly encourage our students to be careful and remain vigilant during events planned outside the school environment. We believe that this is also an opportunity for you, if you have not already done so, to open a dialogue with your child to make them aware, in particular, of the consequences of excessive consumption and other abuses. possible that could lead to negative repercussions on him or others,” maintains the CSSDGS.




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