Legislative elections 2024 – Oise: Roxane Lundy (Generation.s) candidate for the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency

After hesitating, Roxane Lundy (Génération.s) will represent the New Popular Front in the 1st constituency.

Municipal councilor of Beauvais and regional councilor of Hauts de France, Roxane Lundy (28 years old) launches into the campaign under the New Popular Front with her deputy Thierry Aury, also municipal councilor of Beauvais and departmental secretary of the PCF. Cross-interview.

Why introduce yourself after hesitating?

Roxane Lundy : I did not want to be a candidate to concentrate on the municipal deadline of Beauvais. But I don’t want my child who will be born at the end of the year to grow up in a fractured, unhappy society, which has lost confidence in the future. At a time when the Republic is faltering and Beauvaisis could sink towards the worst, I cannot evade my responsibilities and duties and let our territory be represented in the National Assembly by the far-right alliance against nature that takes place.

How do you feel about this campaign?

R. L. & Thierry Aury : There is a huge stake and we sense a lot of interest among people. Macron played the arsonist: he accumulated all the material for the fire and threw the match away with the dissolution of the National Assembly. As for the RN, it is interesting to note, over the past week, that it has unmasked its social imposture. He gave up on returning to retirement at 60 and it was no longer a priority for him. As for Victor Habert-Dassault, he is one of the very rare deputies to have said nothing about Ciotti’s joining the RN.

What is the major issue on which the government should mobilize first?

Purchasing power is the main concern and we propose the indexation of salaries and pensions to inflation as well as the freezing of prices for basic necessities.

What will be your priorities in this constituency?

We are already alongside the employees of the Massey Ferguson site, hundreds of jobs are threatened even though a lot of public money has been invested. We need control of this public money which must lead to jobs and not cuts. We are also against the explosion of air traffic at the airport and we must work to have stable jobs on the platform. Also work on improving rail transport and obtaining investment from the State. We are against class closures both in rural and urban areas. Education is a big priority for us.

What future for pension reform?

In a Popular Front government, we would immediately pronounce the repeal of this reform and we would work to return to retirement at 60 because it is a major concern, to ensure that the elderly benefit and that the young have a job.

Read also: MAP. Legislative elections 2024 – Oise: discover all the candidates for the 1st round



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