Summer University La Sorbonne Nouvelle La Petite Chapelle Avignon Friday July 12, 2024

Summer University La Sorbonne Nouvelle La Petite Chapelle Avignon Friday July 12, 2024
Summer University La Sorbonne Nouvelle La Petite Chapelle Avignon Friday July 12, 2024

Summer University La Sorbonne Nouvelle La Petite Chapelle Avignon, Friday July 12, 2024.

La Sorbonne Nouvelle Summer University Friday July 12, 3:00 p.m. La Petite Chapelle Free Entry

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – time):
Start: 2024-07-12T15:00:00+02:00 – 2024-07-12T17:30:00+02:00
Fin : 2024-07-12T15:00:00+02:00 – 2024-07-12T17:30:00+02:00

Summer school will be interested this year in the scenes and writings which call for a creolization of the arts and participate in the theatrical movement TRANS’ART carried by the Camara Oscura company and SeFeA, a theater and jazz research laboratory. This artistic gesture that Jean-Marie Serreau identified in the 60s and 70s, which manifests itself in the writings of authors often from Africa and the diasporas, is today common to several young creators. It combines theater, dance, music, video, plastic arts, visual arts… But above all this transdisciplinarity carries within it a vision of the world and an ethics open to otherness which we believe is important to approach as a model of contemporary creation innovative. An alternative artistic gesture, not the theater of the Other, but an “other” theater. Inspired by the philosophy of Edouard Glissant and the notion of hybridity from which it can spring from the unprecedented according to Homi Bhabha, but also crossed by the project of decolonization of imaginations that Séloua Luste Boulbina speaks of and by the ecospirituality that Dénétem Touam defends Bona, the creative process is based on a chorality of cultures and raises this murmur, this utopian cloud, which can bring about new and unexpected aesthetic and ethical entities. This movement of “creolization of the arts” brings together the arts not to dissolve them but to build a broader vision of the performing arts that claims all the right paths: transdisciplinary, transcultural, transgenerational, transsocial, transexual…

3 p.m.: Creolization of the arts: for a theorization of the transartistic gesture
Debate conferences with Raphaël Lauro,
Pénélope Dechaufour, Donato Lacirignola, Romain Fohr,
Alexandre Zeff and Sylvie Chalaye

4:30 p.m.: What aesthetic and ethical crossings for another theater?
Table ronde hosted by Axel Arthéron and Pénélope Dechaufour
with Paul Francesconi (Kal), Franck Salin (Olympe), Lolita Monga & Guy-Pierre Couleau (La Supplication), Yasmine Modestine (The Origin of Coffee), Fabienne Kanor (La Grande Chambre)

La Petite Chapelle 60 rue des lices Avignon 84000 District Center Vaucluse Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur [{« type »: « email », « value »: « [email protected] »}, {« type »: « link », « value »: « »}]

Flight to another theater: stage and creolization of the arts University Conference



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