what does the “withdrawal agreement against the RN” consist of, signed by 200 personalities?

what does the “withdrawal agreement against the RN” consist of, signed by 200 personalities?
what does the “withdrawal agreement against the RN” consist of, signed by 200 personalities?

“The democratic forces must get along.” This Tuesday, June 25, some 200 environmentalist, socialist and Macronist personalities called for an alliance against the National Rally in the second round.

Join forces to prevent the RN from winning. 200 political figures from the PS, EELV and the majority signed a column, published this Tuesday in Le Monde, to call for an alliance against Jordan Bardella’s party during the European elections.

Well ahead in voting intentions (35% according to the latest OpinionWay barometer for CNEWS), the National Rally could obtain a large majority in the National Assembly.

“The facelift carried out in recent years by the National Rally (RN) should not deceive anyone: the extreme right remains what it has always been, a decided enemy of democracy and a propagator of hatred,” they said. declared the signatories, including Olivier Faure (PS), Marine Tondelier (EELV), Clément Beaune and Agnès Pannier-Runacher.

It should be noted that no personality from France Insoumise participated in this forum.

Another forum rejects LFI

Thus, the signatories called for the formation of an agreement “without waiting for June 30 (Editor’s note: date of the 1st round)”, which would ratify the withdrawal of a party that came third and could claim a triangular position against the Rally. national.

This Monday, June 24, the boss of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier, had already announced that the environmentalist candidates in third position will withdraw in favor of a candidate “who respects the values ​​of the Republic”.

Another column, published that same day in Le Monde, and notably signed by two former Prime Ministers, Bernard Cazeneuve and Manuel Valls, calls for its part not to turn towards extremes whatever they may be.

“Our vote will not be for an RN candidate nor for an LFI candidate,” said the signatories, who believe that the two parties do not respect the “fundamental values ​​on which our democracy is based.”



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