Excluded FA. Three offensive recruits arrive at Fréjus Saint-Raphaël

Excluded FA. Three offensive recruits arrive at Fréjus Saint-Raphaël
Excluded FA. Three offensive recruits arrive at Fréjus Saint-Raphaël
(© Philippe LE BRECH)

Now coached by Jean-Noël Cabezas, who returned to the club a few weeks ago, Fréjus Saint-Raphaël (National 2) will, according to our information, record the arrival of three offensive elements this week.

The first is well known to those who watched the recent Kings World Cup since it is Yanis Barka, who also wore the colors of Beauvais in N2 this season. The versatile 26-year-old has scored 11 goals this year.

The second also played in N2, under the jersey of Thonon Evian GGFC: Abdoulaye Diaby, who scored 8 goals during the 2023 – 2024 financial year.

Finally, winger Ilyès Nakoubi, trained in Lorient, arrives from Alençon (N3) which he joined last February after an experience in Colmar.

Journalist chez Sports Media

Raised in the heart of the Alps, Fred leaves (temporarily) his beloved Grenoble to lend his pen and his perspective to the amateur world and more particularly to the National Championship of which he is an avid observer. Fan of tartiflette, Karim Mokeddem and Mulholland Drive. The good things in life, in short.

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