Greenway from Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Penne d’Agenais: the public inquiry begins, discover the latest elements of the file

Greenway from Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Penne d’Agenais: the public inquiry begins, discover the latest elements of the file
Greenway from Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Penne d’Agenais: the public inquiry begins, discover the latest elements of the file

the essential
The project to create a greenway, which should ultimately link Villeneuve-sur-Lot to Penne-d’Agenais, is entering an important phase, that of the public inquiry. It concerns the part between the Virebeau dam and the Rogé castle.

New stage in a project which has tense up debates for more than a year. The creation of a greenway between Villeneuve-sur-Lot and Penne-d’Agenais is entering a decisive phase with the opening of a public inquiry. The latter concerns the public utility of the project on the Villeneuvoise portion, between Avenue Henri-Barbusse and the Château de Rogé, as well as the plot survey. An investigation opened since Monday June 24 and which continues until July 8. The documents of the project leader, namely the Greater Villeneuvois agglomeration, have been updated for this presentation to Villeneuvois citizens.

Read also :
The greenway between the center of Villeneuve-sur-Lot and Rogé, “not on my property”

As we have been able to report, the agglomeration is undertaking a development over approximately 4 km, near the Lot. The elected officials of Greater Villeneuvois, who had debated at length in a meeting on the establishment of the greenway, had chosen the banks of the river rather than the right of way of the old railway linking the two towns of the Lot valley (read opposite). “This development will include a road strip approximately 3 m wide and grassy shoulders,” says the agglomeration. The route starts from the Cambes stream bridge, it continues on avenue Henri-Barbusse for 300 meters to turn, rue de Labourdette, towards the Virebeau dam site. From there, the greenway runs along the banks of the Lot, heading towards the RN 21 bridge then the site of Rogé castle. The track does not “cut” the place called Grand Pièce, but comes over the plots closest to the river. “Additional works or equipment could also be carried out in the necessary locations: ditch digging, construction for crossing certain ditches. Consequently, a strip of land with a width of 5 m is necessary to carry out this development” explains t -on in the file.

A budget of 1.7 million euros

To complete the development of the greenway, the CAGV indicates that it “will create parking areas for cars near this route. We will find 24 parking spaces at the dam and 12 spaces at the site of Rogé (a total of 36 spaces). PRM spaces are provided in each parking space.

The community’s arguments remain the same: this path “directly bordering the banks of the Lot which will be created for use by the greatest number of people, both for leisure activities, to access activity areas, and to develop cycle tourism “. For the agglomeration chaired by Guillaume Lepers, the project involves “light developments”, and concerns plots “in an agricultural and natural zone and partly encumbered by a location reserved for this purpose since 2018”. Point of tension for the inhabitants affected by the greenway, the agglomeration indicates that “the damage resulting from the tiny deprivation of a part of the property by the private owner will be fully covered, and if necessary, under the control of the authority judicial, guarantor of the rights and fair treatment of owners.

Which leads us to discover the budget allocated to the first part of this greenway between Villeneuve and Penne. In the document, it is indicated that the overall budget amounts to €1,728,500 – including €1.6 million for production costs. As with all projects, the Villeneuvoise community is counting on a number of subsidies for its realization: FEDER program, Active Mobility Fund, FNADT Vallée du Lot, aid from the Department of Lot-et-Garonne and the regional council. Residents can meet the investigating commissioner at Villeneuve town hall to provide their comments: Tuesday July 2 and Friday July 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thursday July 8 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.



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