Savoy. Teachers in Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines do not want their college to be named Robert Badinter

Savoy. Teachers in Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines do not want their college to be named Robert Badinter
Savoy. Teachers in Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines do not want their college to be named Robert Badinter


Benjamin Forant

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 11:33 a.m.

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This is distressing news reported by our colleagues at Dauphiné Libéré.

During the plenary session of the departmental council of Savoyon Friday June 21, 2024, the vice-president delegated to colleges Nathalie Schmitt read before the assembly a letter from certain teachers of the college of Saint-Étienne-de-Cuines.

In the latter, the professors explain that they do not want the establishment to be renamed “college Robert Badinter“, as proposed by the departmental body.

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The proposal was not surprising: Robert Badinter has strong links with Savoy. He notably settled in Cogninbetween 1943 and 1944, after the arrest of his fatherSimon, during the Sainte-Catherine Street raid in Lyon on February 9, 1943. An artery in the town now bears his name.

It is therefore logical that the Department suggested using the name of the former Keeper of the Sealsrecently deceased.

But, as the vice-president of the department council read, “most teachers do not want the college to be called Robert Badinter College”.

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The teachers continue by explaining that “it will be more evocative for the students than the name of a personality they do not know. […] The name Badinter unfortunately risks for some students being a little too reminiscent of the name of their favorite supermarket.”

In fact, a store Intermarché is located near the college. The procedure is continuing, and we will know in some time whether the choice to rename the Robert Badinter college is maintained.

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