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2024 Legislative Elections: The Explosion of the National Rally in Gironde, Constituency by Constituency

2024 Legislative Elections: The Explosion of the National Rally in Gironde, Constituency by Constituency
2024 Legislative Elections: The Explosion of the National Rally in Gironde, Constituency by Constituency


Nicolas Gosselin

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 9:35 a.m.

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If there is one lesson to be learned from this first round of the 2024 legislative elections, it is the overwhelming victory of the National Rally, which won 33.14% of the votes (according to the latest estimates) and can win an absolute majority in the second round.

This favorable trend is also observed in Gironde. In the department, only the 2e constituency will not present any RN candidate in the second round.

In all other constituencies, the National Rally has seen dazzling progress compared to the last legislative election in 2022.

Edwige Diaz elected in the first round

In the 5e constituency (Médoc) and in the 9e constituency (Blayais), Gregory of Fournas et Edwige Diaz, who were outgoing deputies, strengthened their position during this vote. The first went from 28.52% in 2022 to 42.32% in 2024 and the second was elected in the first round while it stood at 39.42% two years ago.

But above all, the National Rally is well placed to recover new constituencies. In the 8e9e10e et 12e constituencies, the candidates of Marine Le Pen’s party are in a favorable – even very favorable – position for the second round.

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In the Arcachon basin district (8e) where the uncertainty was total, the candidate RN Laurent Lamara has almost doubled its score in two years (from 19.73% to 36.83%) and is in the lead in the first round with more than five points ahead of the outgoing MP Sophie Panonacle (Ensemble).

South Gironde and Libournais are changing

In the 10e constituency (Libournais), Sandrine Chadourne is well on its way to being elected with 43.80% in the first round (compared to 28.03% in 2022). The same in the two constituencies of South Gironde (9e et 12e) where the RN candidates, François-Xavier Marques et Remy Berthonneau both got 38%, more than 15 points above the party’s other 2022 candidates.

And if in the Bordeaux metropolis, the National Rally is too far behind to hope to win back seats in the National Assembly, the progression remains dazzling.

Bruno Paluteau doubled its score in the first constituency (21% against 9.61% in 2022) and the same for Maryvonne Bastères in the third constituency (19.56% against 10.80%. In the second, Flavie Fournier made 13.99% while the 2022 candidate, Pierre Le Camus, had reached only 5.21%.

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