A documentary film on the adventure of Nivernais patients in a closed environment will be screened in Nevers

Patients and professionals from the Pierre-Lôo hospital center will present their “Osons” project, Thursday July 4, at the amphitheater of the Nevers urban area. A documentary film directed by Romain Ligier.

Caregivers, nature educators and artists have united to allow people hospitalized in forced care, dealing with serious psychological disorders, to “engage in the path of care, differently”. An adventure, in several stages, which gave rise to a documentary film.

1. Preparation

Professionals from the Pierre-Lôo hospital center organized, with patients, physical preparation and exposure to nature workshops (hikes).

2. Adventure

In June 2023, the group went on a three-day bivouac in the Parc des Volcans d’Auvergne, accompanied by artists, the Biloba association and videographer Romain Ligier. “The outdoor activities were demanding for them, in an environment that was unfamiliar to them. This required them to call on resources that were rarely used in their daily hospital life,” specifies the structure.

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3. L’expression

The patients created a giant fresco displayed at the Prieuré de la Charité-sur-Loire for the “Un été dans la Cité” festival and individual collages exhibited around the city.

4. Sharing

Filmed throughout the project, the film becomes a medium with which everyone can share their experience with other patients in closed units.

This project was awarded the 1st Hélioscope-GMF 2024 prize. A prize which rewards, each year, six “inspiring” initiatives carried out by teams from public health and medico-social establishments in the public and private non-profit sector. This year, 86 national files were submitted. The Pierre-Lôo hospital center was the only establishment in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region among the six winners.

The screening will be open to everyone.



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