“A strong expectation for the people of Nîmes”

“A strong expectation for the people of Nîmes”
“A strong expectation for the people of Nîmes”

Created in 1994, Jeudis de Nîmes is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary this year. Valentine Wolber, the deputy delegate for shops, commercial events and the revitalization of the city center, discusses the new features prepared by the city of Nîmes for the next edition which will take place from July 4 to August 29.

Objectif Gard: What are the new products concocted by the city of Nîmes to mark the thirty years of Jeudis de Nîmes?

Valentine Wolber : This year we plan to strengthen the activities that we usually offer. There will be new offers with a brewers’ center which will be reinforced, decorations with denim pennants in the colors of Nîmes. This will liven up our city center all summer long.

What does this summer meeting represent for the city of Nîmes?

This is a high expectation for the people of Nîmes, but it is also an attractive event for tourists who come to visit our city. This meeting is well established. Thursdays in Nîmes are important for everyone in the city.

The perimeter of Jeudis de Nîmes is expanded with the use of rue Auguste. Why did you choose this route?

We wanted to take advantage of the pedestrianization of Rue Auguste because it gives a magnificent perspective. We also want exhibitors to benefit from it and it creates a link with Square Antonin which will host Art Thursdays, with 80 artists throughout the summer.

“150 sedentary traders who come to set up shop”

How many traders participate in Jeudis de Nîmes?

We have 150 permanent traders who come to set up shop every Thursday. In the evening, few traders open but there will be nighttime on July 11, which will allow customers to stay a little later.

Nîmes Thursdays are thirty years old this year, can you remind us of the genesis of this event?

It was inaugurated in 1994 when Jean Bousquet was the mayor of Nîmes. The idea was to be able to liven up the city’s streets during the summer and allow businesses to open in the evening, at cooler times of the day and when people return from the beach. Today, the event has diversified with diverse and varied activities, around gastronomy and art. This brought together a lot of people.

What measures are in place to ensure security around Jeudis de Nîmes?

We do not close the boulevards because Thursdays in Nîmes are concentrated around the Ecusson. But, there will of course be security in place and non-sedentary businesses will close at 11 p.m.



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