young engineers have a different vision of work

young engineers have a different vision of work
young engineers have a different vision of work

How do young engineers just out of school approach the world of work? “Not like us, that’s for sure!” »says Éric Giraud, general director of Aerospace Valley (the leading European competitiveness cluster in the aeronautics, space and drones sectors).

Based on this observation, he decided to ” to confront “ bosses of SMEs and large groups to young professionals during a forum. Post-covid period, zapping generation, “young people have changed and bosses don’t have the codes”. Result: difficult recruitment and impossible retention.

“We see that engineers get bored very quickly in a place and after three years, they have looked around and they leave, often for another sector. They don’t forbid anythinghe explains, companies can no longer capitalize on the best because they won’t stay. It is therefore up to them to think about another mode of management where we could consider some sort of bridges between companies to keep these good elements in the sector but not necessarily in the company. It is up to the company to adapt because young people will not do so and the job market is favorable to them. »

The personal-professional life balance has also taken on a big role: “They are hard workers but they no longer want to kill themselves and above all are ready to work a lot but by dividing their hours when they see fit. » It’s up to the bosses to think about this new organization: “It’s up to us to make them want to stay in the industry, we are at the dawn of a new aviation.”



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